Saving Lives, Knives, and Relationship Pies

Start from the beginning

"I'm certainly one of a kind," Marlene said pridefully. "Besides, someone's gotta fill in for Howard."

"He said something similar about you when he locked himself in the lab," Peggy smiled faintly. "Something about you always working."

"Speaking of Howard," Marlene began. "I've met his son. Today we were in the lab. He was working to improve his tin can suit, and I was fixing up my car. Technically it's Tony's, but I accidentally stole it."

"How do you-?"

"Details are pointless," Marlene waved off. "If i try explaining it'll turn into one long ass story."

"Like Luxembourg?" Peggy smiled weakly.

"Yes, exactly like that!" Marlene grinned. "Now you're getting it!"

Peggy started coughing loudly as she tried to laugh. Marlene was almost instantly at her side, holding out a cup of water.

"Jesus, Marls! I'm just a little sick!" Peggy protested. "You act like I'm well past eighty years of age!"

Marlene didn't have the heart to remind her that she was exactly that.

Peggy was one of the brightest people Marlene knew. She had one of the sharpest minds. She was never one for letting things slip her mind, forgetting things. It was like another painful slap delivered by the universe to see Peggy's mind slow slip away.

"Have you heard anything from Howard?" Peggy asked Marlene after her coughing fit died down. "I haven't seen him in quite some time."

That's when the thought crossed the blonde's mind; maybe it was best to lose your memories. You wouldn't have any rememberence of the pain causes by a loss.

But Marlene didn't know what it felt like to suffer from dementia. She didn't know if she'd be confused. She didn't know if certain memories replayed through her mind. She wasn't going to pretend like she knew anything about biological science beyond healing battle wounds until professionals arrive. She sure as hell wasn't going to pretend she knew anything about dementia.

"Peggy . . ." Marlene said faintly as she stumbled back to her chair. "Howard . . . he's-"

There was a knock at the door of Peggy's room before a young nurse entered, preparing to give the elderly woman her medication.

Marlene took this unexpected, but very fortunate interruption, as a moment to collect herself. She breathed through her nose and oit her mouth.

It wasn't a secret Marlene mastered the art of masking her emotions. However, when it came to her family, it was practically one million times harder. Especially seeing as Howard, Mr. Jarvis, and Peggy had become Marlene's center. Two of which were gone, and the last was nearing her last days.

When she nurse finally left, Marlene turned back to her friend. She found the woman with a crease in between her brows, adding to the lines that covered her face.

"Peggy?" Marlene asked quietly.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?"

Marlene felt like she dodged one train only to run into another with a spike on the end. She felt like someone had ripped her heart out and stomped on it.

"It's me, Marlene," the blonde said, trying to keep the desperation from her voice.

Peggy's brows furrowed more so. For a millisecond, it was like she remembered, but it was gone faster than it had come.

"I'm your doctor," Marlene lied with a kind smile on her face, trying to hide her pain. "I was just preforming a routine check up when you zoned out. Are you feeling alright?"

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