spending time with the cold prince part 1

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Angela's pov

I was thinking about the other day when rem said 'the next time that happens head straight here' to the 3rd library I guess

I looked outside today is an off day from school I breathed in some air I put away my laptop and went outside heading to the park

"Let's see the park is this way" I said as my wolf twilight followed close behind I always took twilight to the park when she needed the excersize

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"Let's see the park is this way" I said as my wolf twilight followed close behind I always took twilight to the park when she needed the excersize

We finally arrived at the park she had her collar on she barked and I pet her "That's a good girl" I said as I pet her she went off do her own thing

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We finally arrived at the park she had her collar on she barked and I pet her "That's a good girl" I said as I pet her she went off do her own thing

Rem's pov

I was in the limo looking out the window I saw a familiar figure in the park "stop the limo at the park" I said "yes sir" the driver said

I got out of the limo it was Angela but why was she sitting there just reading a book I heard heavy panting and looked down

It was a black wolf with a blue paw print on its head it barked and wagged it's tail it tugged on my sleeve dragging me over to Angela

Angela looked up she was definitely wearing contacts and she let her hair down she was wearing very normal clothing

"Oh hello rem I didn't expect to see you here you've met my wolf twilight" she said petting the wolfs head as the wolf's tail wagged in delight

"So this is your wolf?" I asked "yes twilight she is my loyal friend who's been by my side through thick and thin for 12 years" Angela said

"Really" I said "you can sit down you know" she said I looked at the bench contemplating if I should sit or not she pulled me into the seat anyway

"There that wasn't so hard now was it" she said then continued to read her book I noticed she was reading a romantic novel

"Do you always read romance novels" I said as I looked at her face her cheeks flushed a deep Scarlet red "well I just like reading them" she said

Angela's pov

"Is that so" he said "who are you to judge" I said pouting while puffing my cheeks in annoyance "no need to get annoyed over a thing like that" he said

"What type of books do you read may I ask" I said shutting my book placing a book mark in where I left off of reading I waited for an answer

"Literature" he said I laughed at his answer "such a rich kid response" I said his eyes narrowed "pardon" he said "have you read anything other than literature" I asked

He didn't answer "I rest my case then" I said and took my bookmark out giving him the book "try reading this you might like it" I said

"But don't you want to finish your book" he said "I have read the book 10 times in a row it doesn't bother me one bit if you borrow it" I said

"I will take your recommendation then" he said I thought I saw a smile on his face but it left as soon as I saw it what a shame

My stomach growled loudly he looked at me and I flushed red in complete and utter embarrassment great just great right in front of rem too

"Do you want something to eat" he asked "if it's not going to be a burden for you" I said he grabbed my wrist and yanked me off the bench

"Come" he said dragging me towards a limo twilight followed after me his driver opened the door and we both went in twilight jumped in as well

Twilight sat in the seat next to me like a puppy we both got some bento boxes "where are we going?" I asked "would you like to see my house" he asked

"Um is it ok?" I asked "it's fine" he said I started eating my bento I gushed at how good it was I glanced over at rem who was separating some mushrooms from his food

"Do you dislike mushrooms?" I asked making him freeze where he was "it's alright if you do I won't judge we all have different tastes" I said

He narrowed his eyes at me and returned to separating the mushrooms from his bento I was finally done with my bento

Twilight whimpered I chuckled "ok ok here's a treat for being such a good girl" I said giving her a milk bone she ate it and nuzzles her nose against me

I glanced and saw rem staring at me I blushed and turned away I would've been confident and said enjoying the show

But this guy literally makes my heart pound and I turned away like a shy rabbit "w.w.what why are you staring at me like that" I said stuttering

"Are you nervous" he said well I am if it's you staring directly at me but there's no way I'm telling him that "no I'm not" I said

Twilight barked getting my attention and licking my face I give her an unamused look I took a small towelette out of my bag

I wiped my face with it "do you always keep things in that bag" he said "unless I need them or their completely necessary yes I do" I said

He gazed at me with his fist holding up his chin "something wrong?" I asked "nothing" he said this guy I swear I thought

Twilight barked I looked outside and saw a huge mansion it looked huge it might even be bigger than shiko academy itself

"Wow um...I really wasn't expecting that" I said a little uncertain as to what I should think of this huge castle like building

"You have never been in a mansion before" rem asked "well I...no of course I haven't" I may have lied a bit there but it doesn't matter

To be continued...

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