wolves and the student council

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Angela's pov

I woke up and stretched my arms to the sky I got a buzz from my phone and I looked at the text I got from my second in command Izzy

'Hello and good morning alpha' she texted 'good morning Izzy stop calling me alpha you know it gets on my nerves' I texted

'I know just wanted to wake you up for school' she texted I put away my phone and got dressed into my shiko academy uniform

Rem's pov

I was in the student council room looking over some documents "what are you looking at rem" urie asked looking over my shoulder

"I never recalled that it was any of your business" I said "really" he said walking over to the table "it seems that the student council president is hiding something" urie said rather loudly

I narrowed my eyes still looking at the documents I will summon this girl to the student council room let's see what she'll do

Angela's pov

We arrived at shiko academy "Angela" I heard and saw ritsuka "hey ritsuka" I said Ashley glared at ritsuka hissing at her

"Ashley behave...sorry about her ritsuka she doesn't really get along with others" I said she gave me a worried look my smile dropped

"What's the matter?" I asked "you were summoned to the student council at the 3rd library" ritsuka said I stared blankly "huh" I said

We went over to the board and saw the summoning "why me though?" I asked a bit confused "your not going period" Ashley said pissed off

I looked around and people were whispering "what did she do she doesn't look like the type to cause trouble her sister maybe but not her" the whispers said

Ashley glared at whoever said that "do you want me to come with you" ritsuka said "no I think it's best if I take Ashley, Izzy, Emma, Cora and Charlotte" I said

"Are you sure" she said "I'm sure ritsuka it won't take long" I said as we went to the 3rd library I opened the door I saw rem

"You were asked to come alone why did you bring them with you" rem said "as if I'd leave my sister with a bunch of devil's" Ashley hissed

They all widened their eyes when they saw wolf ears pop out from Ashley's head I facepalm "ash your wolf ears are out" I said groaning

"Ho wolves how interesting" said a guy with a rose Ashley looked pissed and was about to attack the one holding the rose

"Calm down" I said "why are you all here" rem asked "well of course we're not going to leave our friend with you beasts" Emma said

"Ouch em that's a little harsh" Cora said sweatdropping she hid behind her cousin Izzy because of her shy and overwhelmed nature

"Well why are a bunch of werewolves in this school" the guy with muscle said "I don't know why are a bunch of devil's part of the student council" I remarked a bit annoyed by that comment

"Well if you're going to stay at this school there can't be any casualties" rem said "since when is there no casualty" I said crossing my arms and smirking

"She sure has a mouth on her" the guy that stayed quiet finally talked "well this has been a blast but we need to get to our classes" I said

"Wait a second we're not done talking" rem said I turned "actually yes we are" I said walking out as the others followed me down the stairs

Rem's pov

"That's the first time a girl has ever talked back to you especially a werewolf for that matter" urie said I closed my eyes uninterested in the conversation

Time skip

Angela's pov

I was in my last class of the day and the bell rang I looked at the clock and left the classroom I yawned and stretched my arms to the sky

"Those guys piss me off" Ashley said "you mean the student council" I said "well duh" she said in annoyance I sighed

"I don't know they didn't seem too bad" I said "Ashley from my perspective everyone always pisses you off someway" Izzy said

"Shut up" Ashley hissed "You need to take care of that short temper of yours Ashley by taking some anger management classes" Emma said

Ashley got annoyed "I do not" she said "you really do" Charlotte said cora was shaking behind Izzy Ashley twitched her eyes "you too Cora" she said

Cora nodded "you can be really scary when you're angry" she said Ashley sighed "guys stop Ashley doesn't want to go don't force her" I said

"Ok ok" Emma said "well you are oddly compassionate aren't you" Charlotte said smirking "what do you mean?" I asked with a raised eyebrow

Charlotte squealed "oooh you have a crush" Charlotte said "what no I don't Charlotte what are you talking about?" I said crossing my arms

"You obviously like rem" she said snickering I give her an evil glare making her flinch a red glint flashed in my eyes

"Charlotte you know better not to aggravate Angela she doesn't think about stuff like that most of the time even she doesn't realize she fell for that guy" Emma said

I glared at Emma "I can hear you y'know I'm not deaf" I said "you guys let's just go on home" Izzy said exasperated

We all went home and I heard twilight barking "Twilight? What is she doing out of the house!" I said as I rushed over and saw her licking someone

"Twilight heel" I said she whimpered and got off of the guy "sorry are you ok" I asked the boy he had red hair and I think I saw Izzy blushing

"I'm ok you guy's go to shiko academy too I'm lindo tachibana" he said my eyes widened and I smirked Izzy has a crush on ritsuka's big brother how cute

To be continued...

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