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"He said I sucker-punched him?" Daniel looked at the two inside the yellow car. "Did he not mention the fact that he knocked me down first?"

"You were moving in on his girl." Miguel pointed out. Andy nodded.

"They hadn't talked in weeks." Both Miguel and Andy nodded in realization. "I had no idea Johnny even existed when I got to that beach. All that I knew was that he broke her radio. She was upset."


"I was being chivalrous. You're telling me if some dude was upsetting Andy you wouldn't defend her?"


"Wait really-"

"She knows how to defend herself." Miguel smirked, glancing at his girlfriend. "She doesn't need me to do it for her."

"He's got a point." Andy nodded in agreement. It was a moment of silence before Miguel talked again.

"What about Halloween?" He asked.

"Yeah, the water hose?" Andy looked at Daniel.

"What? The water...these guys were beating the crap out of me every other- the water hose was the least of it, believe me." Daniel told them. "And it was just sitting there. It was...so teed up. Trust me, in my shoes, you'd have done the exact same thing. Johnny clearly overreacted to that."

"Everyone has a different side to their story." Andy smiled at him.

"Yeah, I think Sensei was just upset because Ali was his first love." Miguel told Daniel, defending his Sensei.

"Well," Daniel sighed. "She was mine too." There was a few moments of silence. "There was just something about her. I thought she was the one. I guess Johnny felt the same way."

"He did." Andy nodded. "He still has the headband she gave him for their first valentine's day."

"Yeah well, that's what started all this." Daniel muttered, glancing down at his watch. "Wow, I didn't realize what time it was, I gotta get going."

Miguel and Daniel got out, Miguel turning around to help Andy out as well.

"Well, it was good talking with you, Miguel. From one All Valley Champ to another." Daniel motioned between them before holding out his hand for a handshake. Miguel hesitated before shaking his hand.

"Thanks Mr. LaRusso." Miguel muttered. Daniel smiled at him before calling out to Sam, who came rushing out.

"Listen, I gotta meet up with Mom, okay? Do me a favor? Just put the cover back on the car." Daniel motioned towards the yellow car. "And you two-" He looked at Andy and Miguel. "Keep the sparring to a minimum, understood?"

"Yes sir." Miguel nodded. Andy blushed, hiding behind him a little.

"Understood, alright." Daniel walked towards his car. "And Andy, please remember our doors are always open to you."

"I know, thank you Mr LaRusso." Andy nodded, smiling a little.

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Daniel?" He smiled teasingly at her before he got inside his car.

"He shook my hand." Miguel glanced between the two. "I think that's a good thing."

"Yeah." Sam agreed. "If only we could get him to sit down with your sensei and talk the way he did with you."

"Yeah that'd solve a lot of our problems." Andy agreed.

"I don't see that happening." Miguel rolled his eyes. Daniels car started to pull away, and suddenly Sam was smiling like an idiot.

"What?" Miguel looked at her weird.

"I have an idea."

"You know Ali's in town?" Andy suddenly spoke to her two friends.

"No way." Miguel looked at her. "I thought she lived in Colorado."

"Why do you guys know where she lives?" Sam glanced between the two.

"My dad...long story." Andy dismissed it. "She messaged him this morning, said shes here for the holidays and wants to grab lunch. When I left he was debating on what to say to her."

"Do you think he went?" Sam asked, setting up snacks for her plan.

"Knowing Sensei, probably." Miguel nodded.

"Yeah they're probably making out as we speak." Andy laughed to herself.

Soon people began to arrive, mostly from Miyagi-Do. It seemed the Eagle Fang students were taking a while. Everyone looked bored as they listened to Christmas music.

"Well, this Christmas party's turning out to be ho-ho-horrible." Demetri remarked sarcastically. Andy smacked him lightly on the back of his head.

"Yeah, Sam. I thought you said your parents are gonna be out for the night." Chris spoke up. "Why aren't we throwing a rager?"

Andy's mind flashed back to the last "rager" she went to. She quickly shoved those memories down, looking away awkwardly.

"There's a keg on the way." Sam immediately spoke. "It's just gonna be a few more minutes."

"Can we at least put on a christmas special?" Demetri asked. "I'd even watch that creepy one with the little elf dentist." he cringed. "Yeah, i'm that bored."

"I'll never understand your hatred for the elf-dentist." Andy snorted. "You yell at me every time I try to put it on."

Demetri opened his mouth to say something, when the doorbell rang. Andy jumped up quickly. Everyone turned around in their seats as Sam walked over, opening the door.

Only a keg didn't walk though, Miguel and the Eagle Fang students did.

Immediately, everyone in Miyagi-Do jumped up, ready for a fight.

"Oh hell no! You gotta be kidding me." Chris walked up, his eyes solely on Mitch.

"What the hell are you doing here? This isn't a keg party." Mitch glanced at Miguel. "I bought this hat for nothing?" He threw it to the ground in anger.

"Wait." Demetri glanced down at his best friend. "You parent trapped us? Why?"

"Look, I know we haven't always gotten along, but Cobra Kai is the bigger threat now." Sam started, glancing at both sides. "To all of us."

"We think we'd stand a better chance against them if we joined forces." Miguel continued.

"Two dojo's are stronger than one." Andy concluded. The students began to mumble in annoyance, obviously pissed they were lied to.

"Look, I know we've all done shitty things to each other." Miguel spoke louder.

"Yeah, like breaking Demetri's arm." Chris spoke.

"You guys started that fight." Mitch stepped forward.

"After you almost got me fired." Chris stepped even closer.

"God i hate your stupid face so much." Turning around, Andy glanced between Nate and Bert.

"If you died, I wouldn't even attend your funeral." Andy resisted the urge to laugh at that one.

"This isn't gonna work." Miguel muttered, suddenly doubting the plan.

"It has to." Sam look at the two desperately. Andy took a deep breath.

"Look, we have one last chance to make things right." She spoke. "Alone we are nothing. But if we work together, as one, we have a shot. If none of us can get over the past, the fighting will never end. We all have to confront our enemies. The rivalry between us? It has to stop, one way or another."

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