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"I guess we all got what we wanted." Kreese looked at the four. "But be careful what you wish for." He smirked in a creepy way before he started off. Everyone stared after him weirdly.

"Come here, kids." Johnny opened his arms, allowing Andy and Miguel to fold into them.

She hadn't felt this happy in a while.

"So I'm guessing you're not mad at me anymore?" Andy asked quietly as the couple walked outside, hand in hand.

"I wasn't really mad. More so...disappointed that I know I'm not going to be back to my old self for a while. I know that now and I have accepted it. Lucky for me, I have an amazing karate girlfriend who will win the tournament for me." He turned and wrapped his arms around her. "I love you."

"I love you too, my karate boy." He smiled at the teasing nickname before he leaned down and kissed his girlfriend. After a few seconds, they pulled away.

"As much as I hate to interrupt..." Sam walked over. "Do you guys want to come to my dojo for a bit? Celebrate?"

"Sounds fun." Andy smiled. Miguel nodded in agreement. So the three teens got into Sam's car and drove to the Miyagi-Do dojo.

"To the All-Valley tournament." Sam held up her soda. Andy and Miguel laughed as the three smashed their cans together before drinking.

"This place is crazy." Miguel looked around Miyagi-Do. "What's the rock say?" He motioned off a rock on the left.

"I don't know." Sam looked at it, confused. "My dad won't tell me. Or maybe he doesn't know."

"Well, it's a cool rock." Andy teased, making the three laugh.

"All we have is vandalized park benches and regular boring rocks." Miguel muttered, talking about their public park.

"You know, you guys are welcome to train here anytime." Sam laughed shortly.

"I mean, don't get me wrong, it's a cool yard, but do you guys actually do karate here?" Miguel looked around. Sam looked at him offended. "It looks like breathing exercises!" he tried to defend himself.

"Oh, it's not badass enough for you?" Sam asked in a fake offended tone.

"We train in junkyards and cement trucks!"

"And I've trained in that pond over there."

"Oh a pond." Andy spoke in a teasing tone.

"Not everything in Miyagi-Do is what it seems."

"Yeah, okay." Sam shoved Miguel for his sarcasm. "You looking to take on the champ?" Miguel stood up, taking some steps back in a challenging way.

"I seem to remember flipping you on the ground with surprisingly little effort." Sam stood as well.

"He was also a twig back then." Andy snorted to herself. Miguel pointed to her as if she made a point.

"Well, let's see you do it again. Don't hold back."

"I wouldn't worry about it." They both got into their fighting positions.

The two karate students began to playfully fight as Andy cheered on Sam jokingly. Eventually, Miguel pulled Sam against his body, muttering something Andy couldn't hear.

Timing was not on their side. Sam and Miguel were only looking at each other for a second, about to release each other, when someone spoke.

"Should've known." All three spun around to face Robby, who just entered the dojo grounds.

Welcome to the End || Miguel Diaz (3)Where stories live. Discover now