✨Chapter 2✨

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() means thoughts. Example: (pizza bites) Like that.

On the last chapter~

"WHY YOU STUPID CAT!!" And that's when I fell on the floor clutching my stomach and laughing my ass off with Kyo. Tohru joined in and started giggling. Momiji joined us. And Yuki looked back at us on the floor and smiled. Not one of those fake smiles but a real one.

Now On To This Chapter~

Y/n POV~

After about 15 minutes we all calmed down and I was about to leave for my class. "Wait N/N-chan stay I have to tell you something. Tohru can you please leave."  "Ohh ya sure. Bye Guys see you later."  "Ok what is it Momiji."  "Ummm............Akito is here."   "WHAT!?!?"  Me and Kyo yelled at the same time. I saw the fear spread across Yuki's face. "Omg you have to be shiting me and I thought I could get away from him for at least a whole school day. HEY YUKI WHERE ARE YOU GOING!!!"  "What do you mean get away from Akito?"  "Hey Hatsuharu for a second here I thought you couldn't talk. Ummmm.........welllll...........I am Akito's little sister. Yup that's it Yup."  "WAIT WHAT!?!?"  Momiji and Hatsuharu said at the same time.  "Well ya that's why he keeped me hidden from the zodiac members and the Sohma."  Then I felt Akito's presence. "You have to be shiting me.Ok Hey Hatsuharu hand me that chair."  "Ok and call me Haru."  He handed me the chair and I started swinging it back and forth and launched it at the window. "Hey what the hell are you doing?!ARE YOU TRYING TO DIE!?!?"  "Well I've done this before and I need to save Yuki from Akito and this is the quickest way down."  And with that I got a running start and jumped out the window. "TOLD YA KYO I WOULDN'T DIE!!!"  And with that I ran away towards where you could feel Akito.I saw Akito raising his hand near and I darted over there. *SLAP* "Damm Akito that hurt like hell. Ya tell me what the hell are you doing here? I thought you were sick."  "Well Sis I thought I could pay my dear Yuki and sister a visit."  You started to chuckle. "That's bullshit Akito we both know that. You came here to pay a visit to Tohru didn't you? Well guess what as long as I am here you aren't going to lay a finger on Tohru or Yuki."  "Why you little!"  He lifted his arm he was about to slap me when Tohru pushed Akito. "I-I'm s-sorry, but if we don't go n-now we'll be l-late for c-class."  "Well ok see you at home sis."  And Tohru then grabbed Yuki's and my hand and dragged us into the school building. "Omg Tohru I didn't know you were there too. Are you ok? And Yuki are you hurt anywhere? Physically? "  "N-no I-I'm find Y/n b-but what about you. You took that slap and by the sound of it, it sounded like it hurt."  "Ohh I'm fine really Tohru, but umm next you see Akito stay away from him if you're alone.Ok? It's just that I don't want you to get hurt Tohru."  "O-o-ok"   I grabbed Yuki's hand. And grabbed his chin lightly to wear he was looking me straight into my eyes. "hey Yuki we're going to be ok, ok?" I squeezed his hand to reassure him. He just nodded, I let go of his chin and looked at him and Tohru. "Well we should head to class I'll walk you and Yuki. Come Tohru let's go." "O-o-ok."  

After I walked them to class I and we said our goodbyes. I looked at my phone, it's 10:50 am. (That's nice I was actually going to go to class, but ehh. If I did go to class right now it would be 11:00 am. So I should just go to the roof........Ohh and I could finish my drawing I've been working on) I walked up to the roof and found a ladder that leaded to a another platform I climbed the ladder, and pulled out my sketchbook and a blanket I could sit on. (I'll just eat lunch up here and I'll text.......wait I don't have any of their contacts......Well that's just great.) I pulled out my headphones and my phone and started listening to my favorite playlist. I started to sing a little bit while drawing. 

Little TimeSkip brought to you by My Cold Topo Chico~

I heard the bell go off signaling that it was now lunch time. I looked at my phone it was 12:20 and lunch ended in 1 hour. (I guess I should clean up and go look for them.) I cleaned up my stuff and walked down the stairs (Jesus why are there so many stairs). After a while of walking I found them under a tree eating. I sat down next to Kyo. "Sup Kyo."  "Sup N/n"  "Here Kyo brought you some salmon and rice." I handed him the orange bento box. I saw his eyes sparkle when he opened it. I started smiling to myself, the highlights of my day were making other people happy. I loved it when I saw the people I love smile or when strangers smile because of something I did for them. "Kyo as much as I love you what's the magic word that you're missing."  "T-T-Th-Thank YOU!! THERE HAPPY NOW!!" My smile grew brighter. "Your welcome Kyo-Kyo."  "Ya no proble- WAIT WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!!!"  "Nothing Kyo-Kyo."  "Ohh Ok- HEY THAT'S NOT COOL."  I started laughing. Then he hit my head "Ohh ok you want to fight pussy cat."  "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST CALL ME!!!"  "ARE YOU DEAF!?!? I CALLED YOU P-U-S-S-Y C-A-T!"  "Dam she even had to spell it out for you Kyo-Kyo."  "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU CALL ME HARU YOU WANT TO FIGHT ME TOO."  "Kyo I think I found my new best friend....Haru!!"  "WELL I'M GLAD THAT YOUR MAKING FRIENDS BUT WHY THIS DUMBASS!!"  "Because he likes teasing you too, so there for we're now best friends."  "YOU DIDN'T EVEN ASK HIM DUMBASS."  You looked to your right. "Haru would you like to be my new best friend."  "Sure."  "SEE I TOLD YOU NOW WHO'S THE DUMBASS NOW!! PUSSY CAT!!" I stuck my tongue out at Kyo. "FUCK YOU!!!"  "EAT YOUR DAMN FOOD BEFORE I EAT!!! AND WHY DON'T YOU GO FUCK A TREE WHY YOUR AT IT TOO!!"  After Yuki and Haru and I realized what I said we started laughing our asses off.

The Black Panther (Fruits Basket x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin