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Just a short book trailer. ^-^


"Friday the 13th." Mark mused to himself as he checks the desk calendar on his right.

If there's one thing that Mark is terrified of aside from haunted houses and cockroaches, it is the date today and the call he just received a few minutes ago.

'Come home' are the only words his father said but those were enough to drain all the color from his face.

What is it this time? Mark can't help but ask himself.

Just then, all his previous experiences on the other fridays that ever fell on the 13th day of the month came crashing down on him.


Written on:

Mark's Journal - F13

Friday, 13th of September, 2019
- Too hungry. Tried cooking ramen for the first time. P'Merriam came home hungry. We had a tug-of-war of the pot. The newly-cooked ramen spilled on my pants. It seeped down to my undergarments and beyond. Had to be rushed to the hospital. In the emergency room a young female doctor had to check me and well, um, my member.






Friday, 13th of December, 2019
- We no longer have classes. Yay! I forgot to submit a project. Ugh. Had to go to uni. No car yet so I took the bus. First bus broke down in the middle of the road and had to be towed. Second bus is stopped for a traffic violation. Third bus is okay until it pulled over and the driver passed out. Fourth bus had a flat tire, no spare. Fifth bus is finally fine but the body odor of the one sitting beside me is not.






Friday, 13th of March, 2020
- I went out with my friend, James. On our way to the park, we met a black cat. I slipped on the pavement, I hurt my butt. After a while we met a black dog, it was angry, and so we run for our lives. N̶e̶x̶t̶ ̶w̶e̶ ̶r̶u̶n̶ ̶i̶n̶t̶o̶ ̶a̶ ̶b̶l̶a̶c̶k̶ ̶s̶h̶e̶e̶p̶, okay erase this part̶. Next we run into a black van and almost got kidnapped.







Today is another Friday the 13th in the month of November and Mark can't help but feel anxious. It's the first time in a year or so that he'll be spending the dreaded day again in this house and it only served to amplify his anxiety.

He doesn't want another trip to the ER. Neither does Mark want another female doctor inspecting his *cough* manhood.

Why in the d*mn world does 2020 have to have two F13s? Mark cursed under his breath.

If he was terrified since earlier today, it was even more nerve-wracking now that he is already back home. If given the choice, Mark would rather curl up in a ball and hide under his sheets inside his room on this 'cursed' day but as much as he wished for the day to pass by uneventfully, it was not to be had. His gut tells him something drastic is about to happen.

And so with a sigh, Mark parked his car in his assigned space in the garage. Right then, he immediately noticed a number of unfamiliar black cars and some of their own men in black suits loitering in the vicinity.

"Welcome back, young master." A servant opened the door on the driver's side catching him by surprise.

Mark didn't let it show and instead smiled at the polite servant and mumbled a 'thanks'. Stepping outside, Mark was greeted by a few other bowing men in black suits and their chief butler, Nil.

"What's going on, Nil?" Mark asked.

"Welcome back, young master. A few guests arrived earlier today. Please hurry. Everyone is waiting for you inside."

Then it hit him. That unsettling feeling. A suffocating sensation.






Later that night, Mark's journal had a new entry.







Friday, 13th of November, 2020
- P'Merriam eloped. Had to marry her groom in her place. Didn't want to sub but no one asked.

The agreed upon wedding date?











Friday, 13th of August, 2021.



This is an AU. Please expect deviations from the canon.

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