Private Chat Room: Lucas x Xiaojun x Hendery [Don't Wanna Cry]

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Love Bella pls:
I want whatever she's on

She also told names to jungwoo
She called him a hoe because he sit on marks lap and call yuta
And mocked the time he was into doyoung
I get too angry

Okay calm down first
She's a psycho there is no more explanation

She also threatened me
She said she's the vice president of student council and they will kick jungwoo out because he's gay and she don't want him to spread this disease

Love Bella pls:
Does she know half of the school is gay

She's stupid
But she scared me
What if she really tries something

Love Bella pls:
You should tell this to jungwoo

I can't
She really said bad things about him
Jungwoo is very sensitive
I can't let him see things she told
They would break his heart

You're right too
I don't know what should you do
They can't kick him out right?
I mean jungwoo is their brightest student

She has the power
She can easily do what she wants and can shut them up if anyone dares to say no

Love Bella pls:
What will you do then

Well I said my family can afford supporting him as well
But I don't know if that can happen

That's a good idea tho
Why you think it won't happen
Do you think your family won't do it?

No I'm sure they would
My mom adores jungwoo probably she love him more than me
But my problem is jungwoo
He won't let me to pay for him
We talked about this before.. he don't want to live with my money

Would he leave his education
Just because of his pride

This is jungwoo

Love Bella pls:
What can she do tho
Doyoung is also in the council isn't he
Maybe he can help you with this

You're right
Just I have a bad feeling about this

Don't worry we will find a way
Maybe she won't do something

She's obsessed
I don't think she will leave it there

Love Bella pls:
I hate her already

Me too
I hate her and I hate she is using jungwoo to get me
He did nothing wrong he don't deserve this

Love Bella pls:
You really should talk with doyoung
He would know what to do

He can talk with council members if she actually reports jungwoo

Should I write him now

Let him know what's going on before it's too late

Okay I texted him

Update us about what happened

Love Bella pls:
Ah also today kun hugged me for like five minute
Because I was crying
I don't want to wash my shirt

You're hopeless
Just talk with him

Love Bella pls:
It's easy for you
You can bark here and your boyfriend would answer back in dog language
I don't know what to do what if I accidentally start malfunctioning in front of him
What if he thinks I'm too weird

It been seven years
I think he's already used to you
Plus your weirdness is what makes you charming

Love Bella pls:
Kun is a normal human
Except being an angel
How do you talk with normal people
I don't want to act stupid and embarrass myself

Jun just be yourself
Go to him and say I love you kun
That's all
Rest is up to him

Love Bella pls:
I can't
It's too scary
I don't want to get rejected

You can't know if he will reject you or accept your love
Only way to find out is asking

He's right
Lucas did you talk with doyoung

Yeah I wrote to him
And explained the situation
We will meet at a cafe tomorrow to discuss what we can do

See I told you everything will be fine
Doyoung can help you

Yeah I think we're safe now
Thanks for helping
I need to take a shower now
See you guys tomorrow

Love Bella pls:
I need to cry myself to sleep

Jun you're not crying
Stop your tears
Night night

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