Bucky ran off to find Flora.


Flora was heading up to the rooftop helipad. She marched up to a blue chopper and pulled the lock off the door. She got in the pilot seat. Steve rushed outside and sprinted toward the rising chopper, soon joined by Bucky. He leapt and grabbed the landing gear. Muscles bulging, Steve pulled hard and the chopper struggled to gain height. Steve's feet kicked for traction, then he got them flat on the helipad. The chopper dragged him onto the weak-looking mesh framing the helipad. Steve grabbed the railing with one hand and clung to the landing gear with the other.

Steve gritted his teeth and his neck strained with the incredible effort. Flora glowered from inside the chopper, then threw the joystick left and the chopper's nose slammed into the edge of the helipad. The rotor-blades were smashed to pieces and Steve and Bucky ducked as the tail swung around. The chopper laid twisted on the mesh at the edge of the pad. Steve and Bucky rose beside the canopy. Flora's arm smashed through the glass and growling, she grabbed Steve and Bucky's throats. The chopper started to list over the edge. The tail broke off and fell into the river below. Flora kept hold of Steve and Bucky as the whole helicopter dropped and slammed into the river. The impact knocked Flora out cold and she let go of Steve and Bucky. The body of the chopper sunk quickly to the riverbed along with other debris. Steve and Bucky surfaced, the latter with Flora in his arms.


Zemo listened to a message from his wife. "He asked me again if you were going to be there. I said that I wasn't sure. You should've seen his little face. Just try, okay? I'm going to bed. I love you."

Frowning, Zemo ended the call. A TV news report was playing nearby.

A reporter said, "Flora Stewart, der mit dem Bombenanschlag auf die UN in Wien in Verbindung gebracht wird, ist heute aus der Haft entflohen. Ebenfalls vermisst werden die Avengers Captain Steve Rogers, Sergeant James Barnes und Sam Wilson."

(Flora Stewart, the suspect in the UN Vienna bombing, escaped custody today. Also missing Avengers Captain Steve Rogers, Sergeant James Barnes and Sam Wilson.)

Zemo eyed the TV screen. He stood in line at a departure gate. The screen above the gate read: 'Gate 06 / Berling Flughafen / AEM2103 / Moskau/Moscow'.


Flora came to with her metallic left arm clamped in a huge industrial vice. Steve and Bucky peered through a gap at a chopper flying overhead. Sam was over by Flora.

"Hey, Cap! Sarge!" Sam called.

Steve and Bucky went over to join Sam by Flora who sat with her arm in the vice. They stared at her.

"Steve. Bucky," Flora said.

"Which Flora are Bucky and I talking to?" Steve asked.

"Your mom's name was Sarah... You used to wear newspapers in your shoes," Flora said with soft chuckle. She turned to Bucky. "I was the only girl who made you nervous. Where's my cat?"

"Can't read that in a museum," Steve said.

"Just like that, we're supposed to be cool?" Sam asked.

Bucky walked closer to her and handed her Alpine. She instantly began petting the cat.

"What did I do?" Flora asked.

"Enough," Steve replied.

"Oh, I knew this would happen. Everything HYDRA put inside me is still there. All he had to do was say the freaking words."

"Who was he?" Bucky wondered.

"I don't know."

"People are dead," Steve told her. "The bombing, the setup. The doctor did all that just to get ten minutes with you. I need you to do better than "I don't know.""

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