(Shoot the door!)

The cop slammed the battering ram against the door. Bucky shielded himself and Flora with the mattress against an attack that came from the window. She blocked the door with a table as cops swung in on cables. Steve pulled the rug from under a policeman, sending him flying. Flora slammed another policeman into the wall while Bucky picked up the cat.

"Flor, stop!" Steve said. "You're gonna kill someone."

Flora slammed Steve down and punched a hole in the floor before replying, "I'm not gonna kill anyone."

Bucky and Flora both grabbed a backpack from under the floorboards and threw them out the window. Bucky, Flora and Steve got behind Steve's shield to avoid gunfire. Flora shoved Steve and knocked a cop over. Flora held up her metal hand and repelled bullets, then slammed a cop into shelves. Flora picked up a large cement brick and slammed it into a cop. Bucky kicked another cop back while putting Alpine in his jacket. Steve fought a cop on the balcony. A cop shot around the door outside. Flora punched through the wall beside the door. He laid into the cops. A cop descended through a sky-light on a zip wire. Bucky grabbed the cop's gun and slammed him into the wall. Flora bashed a cop with the battering ram.

More of the police team hurried up the stairwell. Bucky jumped on the zip-line-guy and swung down a level.

A GSG-9 Soldier said, "Verdächtiger hat die Eindämmung durchbrochen. Sie geht die östliche Treppe hinunter."

(Suspect has broken containment! She's headed down the east stairwell!)

Steve grabbed the radio and crushed it. Steve jumped down a level as Bucky and Flora kept punching and kicking the cops. Flora tossed one of them over the railing and Steve caught him, stopping the cop from falling. He looked at Flora wearily.

"Come on, Flor," Steve said.

Steve threw the cop up onto the landing. Flora broke a banister and swung down on it. Steve hurled a cop over his shoulders. Bucky and Flora laid into more cops and took them out. A cop aimed at Bucky and Flora and Steve knocked the gun from his hands with his shield which stuck in the wall. Bucky and Flora leapt down the stairwell, the former making sure to be careful of the cat, and caught onto a railing. Steve pulled his shield out of the wall. Bucky climbed up, then Flora climbed up and they ran along a corridor.

They leapt off a balcony and tumbled onto the lower roof of the neighboring building where they found where their backpacks landed. They picked them up and ran.

A muscular man clad entirely in black, Black Panther, slammed into Flora from behind, knocking her down. Black Panther had a full face mask with pointed ears. He extended his fingers and sharp claws popped out. He attacked Flora with sweeping kicks and slashes. Flora fought back, but was kicked into a wall. Black Panther swiped his claws and spun gracefully. Flora narrowly avoided being slashed and held up a metal bar to protect herself. Bucky grabbed Flora's arm, yanking her from Black Panther's claws.

Steve looked down at them as Falcon swooped from the sky and said, "Sam, southwest rooftop."

"Who the hell's the other guy?" Sam asked.

"About to find out."

Steve leapt from the balcony down onto the neighboring building as a chopper flew up. Black Panther lunged at Flora with his claws and Flora grabbed his wrists. A soldier fired a machine gun from the chopper. The ammo bounced off Black Panther's armored suit.

"Sam," Steve called.

"Got him," Sam said as he flew down and shoved the chopper off course. He swooped towards street level.

Flora broke free from her attacker, slung her bag on her back, followed by Bucky who also picked up his bag, ran and they jumped down a level. Black Panther slid down the wall using his claws for traction. He landed at street level and the chase continued. Steve followed and landed, rolling along the ground. Gunfire from the chopper tore up the sidewalk. Flora and Bucky jumped down through an opening and landed in an underpass. They ran through the traffic. Black Panther and Captain America dropped down and chased after Bucky and Flora. A Special Forces Vehicle pursued them.

A GSG-9 Driver ordered, "Stand down! Stand down!"

The vehicle closed in, blue lights flashing. Steve leapt onto the vehicle and splintered the windshield. The driver stopped, Steve yanked him from the vehicle and kicked the windshield out, then drove off.

Bucky and Flora ran over the top of a speeding car, outpacing it. Black Panther was a few cars behind, keeping pace with Bucky and Flora. He leapt on the back of the 4x4 that Steve was driving. Steve swerved from side to side, trying to throw him off.

"Sam, I can't shake this guy," Steve said.

"Right behind you," Sam told him. Several police cars joined the chase. Steve side-swiped another car and drove on.

Up ahead, Bucky and Flora reached a fork in the road and faced oncoming traffic. They leapt over a barrier. Steve drove through the barrier.

A motorbike sped towards Bucky and Flora. Bucky grabbed the handlebar and spun the bike around in mid air, throwing the rider off. Bucky got on the bike, grabbed Flora's waist and swung her on the back of the bike, and rode away, sending cars careering out of the way. Steve kept on Bucky and Flora's tails with Black Panther holding onto the back of the 4x4. They all rocketed through another underpass. Sam flew into the underpass. Black Panther leapt off the front of the 4x4 onto Bucky and Flora's motorbike. Bucky flung him over his and Flora's heads and the bike leaned on its side. Bucky kicked their assailant away, straightened up and rode on. Black Panther caught a ride on Falcon's leg. Sam tried to kick Black Panther away. Bucky threw a sticky bomb and blew up the roof at the end of the underpass, bringing down tons of rubble. Black Panther leapt off from Falcon and threw Bucky and Flora off the motorbike. Steve swerved the 4x4 through the rubble, leapt out and pulled Black Panther away from Bucky and Flora. Steve stood, facing sleek and muscular Black Panther. Armed police arrived and surrounded them, guns aimed. War Machine leapt down from above and raised both hands.

"Stand down, now," Rhodey ordered as Bucky and Flora stood beside Steve, who put his shield on his back. "Congratulations, Cap. Congratulations, Sarge. You're both criminals." Police moved in and forced Flora to her knees. Black Panther raised his hands. A cop moved Steve's arms behind his back while another did the same to Bucky who glanced down and sighed, seeing that the cat was okay. Black Panther retracted his claws and pulled off his mask, revealing his face. It was T'Challa. Steve, Bucky and Rhodey looked curious.

A GSG-9 Soldier asked, "Wie lautet der Befehl?"

(What's the order?)

"Your highness," Rhodey greeted as Flora was hauled flat on the ground.

Bucky stared at Flora who was still on the ground. All he wanted to do was take her far away from all of this, but at the same time, he didn't want to be in more trouble with the government than he already was.

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