"Jeez, Keiji, I'm not that bad," Tamiko kept laughing, not noticing the way Keiji had been pulled out of his previous daze, only to be pulled into another.

When she finally calmed down and was able to properly look at him, she let another short chuckle before she noticed the amount of shock and astonishment his face held.

"What? I-Is something behind me?" she turned around to look at the empty space behind her, then turned back "Oh my God, do I have a spider on me?!" she whispered shouted terrified "Akaashi, answer me! Please, tell me I don't have a spider on my hair."

"You called me Keiji," he blurted, more to himself than to the girl that was hurriedly shaking her shoulders hoping to get rid of the possible spider.


"You called me Keiji," he repeated, red starting to settle in his cheeks at the same time as the statement sunk in "You called me by my first name."

It took Tamiko a moment to understand what he was saying, panic caused by her own paranoia still running through her system. Then she had to go over the last minute in her head until it finally clicked on her what she'd said. Blood rushed to her cheeks quickly.

"O-Oh, I guess I did, huh," she mumbled "Was it too soon? I'm sorry, of course it was, I shouldn't have said that. It just slipped out, I swear-"

"Tamiko," he cut off her rumbling "Stop. I actually really liked it," he admitted.

"You did?"

In that moment, the pair looked like a pair of young stupid teenagers in love. That was exactly what they were, but in them it looked more pathetic than usual. They weren't shy around each other; they were each other's safe space. Akaashi could show off al his drawing skills and nerd out on the latest mangas he'd read, and Tamiko could share whatever crazy theories she came up with at random times. They could do whatever, and everything would be fine.

But here they were, blushing over the fact that she'd called him by his first name.

"I do. A lot," he admitted "I've called you Tamiko since I met you, and I think it was time you called me like that."

"Tamiko?" she joked.

Keiji scoffed and rolled his eyes shaking his head.

"Yes, I want you to call me by your name."

"That is such a good book," she continued.

"Tamiko! I'm trying to be romantic here!"

The girl broke off in laughter once more, falling completely off the bed this time. Her broken "ow!" was all Keiji needed to laugh himself. Tamiko climbed back up and threw a pillow at him, missing by a lot.

"Say it again," he said.

"Keiji," she immediately said, not wanting to kid around anymore.

It's cliché to say this, but the name rolled off her tongue smoothly, and both parties of the couple reveled in it. Keiji wanted to hear it until he fell asleep, closing his eyes and asking her to say it again. This time, she giggled while saying it, finding her boyfriend's reaction cute. But could you blame him? There's nothing better than hearing your partner say your name. It doesn't matter if it's lovingly like Tamiko was doing just now, as a threat, or- Well Akaashi couldn't wait 'til he heard it like a mantra while she was losing her mind over the pleasure he'd bring her.

It fills you with love, affection and suddenly, that's the only word you're ever going to need. Spoken strictly from their lips. Because fuck, Keiji Akaashi was a mess, pulling Tamiko to his chest and making them both fall backwards onto the fluffy pillows of his bed, muttering —begging— for her to keep saying his name. He savored how it sounded, thought of placing it as his new phone ring, and prohibiting anyone else say it.

Tamiko felt like a toll had been taken off her shoulders. She'd been wanting to say it out loud since she'd met the boy —saying it lowly in the solace of her room had felt taboo before—, and now that she finally could, she'd find any excuse to say it. She wanted to shout it for the whole city of Tokyo to hear, she wanted to whisper it, name him to others, moan it, lose her breath saying it-

The phone on the shelf in front of them captured this moment where two dumbasses blushed over something incredibly normal, and whispered each other's' names as if they were their biggest secret and they were two school girls gossiping at the playground. It captured a moment of pure happiness, with those same two dumbasses giggling beneath the covers and sharing kisses, touches and unspoken promises that laid behind their names.

2012, July 2nd

Tamiko's phone ended up running out of battery, resulting on the video cutting short at some point, but they had both preferred it that way. They didn't want their sex tape leaked.

Akaashi blushed again, hearing his name being called from the video. He missed hearing it in real time. He'd give everything to wake up with Tamiko in his arms, and his name to be the first thing he heard, voice cracking in the middle of it due to the sleepiness of her voice.

But she was getting better. And she'd wake up soon, and then he'd be able to listen to it again. Who knew something as simple as his name would be one of the things she missed the most.

wake up soon - k. akaashiWhere stories live. Discover now