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Disclaimer: English is not my native language, so I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes. If you notice any please let me know in the commands, so I can correct it.

_2nd POV:_

In your homeland Germany you were known as one, if not the best all rounder in volleyball. You were even good enough to play in the Germans U18 team.

But to your dismay your mother wanted to move back to Japan, because she missed her family and homeland. Now don't misunderstand it, you liked Japan and you knew your family there quite well and it made you happy to know you will see them again but therefore you had to leave your friends and teammates behind.
Of course you all planned to stay in contact but who knows if that works out.

So now here you where on the airport with your mother waiting for your plane to Japan.

_1st POV:_

*Warum muss es so lange dauern auf ein Flugzeug zukommen?!*(*Why does it have to take so long to get on the god damn plane?!*) I tought while scrolling mindlessly on my phone, to get the time to go by faster.

Und schon auf'm Flugzeug?
(And are you already on the plane?)

Noch nich
(Not yet)

Wieso dauert das so eeeewig?🥲
(Why does it take so loooong?🥲)

Weiß nich
(Don't know)

"[y/n] kommst du wir können endlich auf's Flugzeug."
("[y/n] come on we can finally go on the plane") <[m/n]>
"Ja, ich komme"
("Yeah, I'm coming")

Ich muss los, wir können ENDLICH auf's Flugzeug
(I have to go, we can FINALLY go on the plane)

Ok, schreib uns, wenn du in Japan bist und Zeit hast
(Ok, text us when your in Japan and have time)

Mach ich
(Will do)

After that I went with my mother on to the plane.

_time skip_

When the plane landed and we got our stuff, we took a taxi to our new apartment.

_time skip_
(arrival at apartment)

"Und wie findest du's [y/n]?" ("And how do you like it [y/n]?") asked my mom while we got out of the taxi. It was just a normal apartment but it was nice. "Sieht nice aus mom" ("Looks nice mom")

After we looked around the apartment we started to unpack our stuff, which luckily came a few days before us. While we were unpacking something came to my mind "Hey mom, wann fängt Schule nochmal an?" ("Hey mom when starts school again?")

"Uhh, ich glaub in ungefähr einer Woche und vergiss nicht auf welche Schule du jetzt gehst." ("Uhh, I think in around a Week and don't forget to which school you're going now.")

"Okay danke und ich werds schon nich vergessen" (Okay thanks and I won't forget it")


"[y/n] kannst du bitte etwas Einkaufen gehen?" ("[y/n] could you go buy some groceries please?")
"Ja kann ich machen, kein Ding" ("Alright will do, no problem")
"Danke dir, das Geld ist auf dem Tisch und wenn noch was übrig ist darfst du es behalten" ("Thank you, the money is on the table and if something is left after you can keep it")

With that I put on my shoes, a jacket, took my phone and the money and went out.

A/n: Hope you liked it. To which school do you think [y/n] should go??

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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