Chapter 2

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When I got home I slipped off my UGGs and walked into the kitchen with all of the bags by my side. I placed them down and let out a sigh of relief. As I started unloading the groceries my phone viberated. From an unknown number.

"Hey! This is Morgan, right? It's Louis."

"Yup, its Morgan. What's up?" I replied back.

"Nm, just got home, hanging with my bud Harry. You?"

"Putting away some groceries, ya know, what you normally do after grocery shopping, haha." I giggled as I hit send.

"Oh sush. So, how about we meet up at Starbucks later? As soon as I can get rid of Harry, haha(:" I chucked as I read the last part.

"Ok, sure. When?"

"I don't know, 20?"

"Sounds good to me."

"Ok, see you then, love. Xx." I put my phone down and continued putting the food away, shivering as I got to the asparagus.

Once I was done I went to check the time. 2:45. Oh shoot, I was supposed to meet Louis at 2:50. Good thing it was fairly close by. I walked to the living room to ask Mrs. Frank if I could go to Starbucks.

"Oh you kids and your Starbucks. Of course you can. What time will you be back?"

"Um, I'll be safe and say 3:30."

"Have fun!" She said with a smile on her face. I let out a small giggle while grabbing my keys and slipping my UGGs back on. As I climbed into the car I got a text from Louis.

"Hey! I'm here! Where art thou?" I could already tell he was one of a very joking personality.

"Leaving now. Be there in about 2 minutes." I pulled out of the driveway and started towards Starbucks.

As I pulled in I sent Louis a text. "Here! You inside?" He replied with a 'ya' so I walked in. I immediately saw his cheeky smile sitting at a table for 2.

"Hey, I'm going to go get my frap, be right back." He gave me a small nod as I turned around and walked towards the line. As I got to the front I ordered my usual, a mocha frap with whipped cream. I thanked her as I paid and started walking back to Louis.

"So what's up?" I asked him as I sat down.

"Nothing really, just wanted to see your beautiful face again" he said while smiling as I looked down and took a sip of my frap to hide my blush, although I'm fairly certain he could see my smile through my long brown locks cascading over my face.

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