Stubborn (Natasha)

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Summary: You get hurt badly on a mission and your stubbornness makes you suffer as you fall and get stuck in the shower. Natasha gets mad at herself because she realized that you don't know how much she cares about you.
Y/N Pov:

Ever since you joined the avengers Natasha always seemed distant to you, you never really minded thought, you just thought it was because you had never had the chance to hang out together. Soon after you learned that she was pretty much distant with everyone. It's not like you hated each other, it's just that you never got to know each other.

One reason that you never really hung out was because you were stubborn as hell. You never wanted help with anything, you just wanted to be left alone to do it all by yourself. Which is why you never needed to seek the company of that certain redhead. That was one trait that stuck with you as you grew up. It got to the point where you would rather suffer alone than ask for help and possibly burden other people, but sometimes you really need it.

Earlier that day you were sent on a solo mission. It was pretty straightforward. Stay undercover and hidden while retrieving data. You never thought the enemies would find you, but sure enough you wandered in their trap.

You were a good fighter so it's not like it was a huge problem, it's just that taking on 10 grown men at once is never really considered "easy". Needless to say, you had taken a pretty bad beating. You had multiple bruised ribs, a dislocated knee, and a stab wound to your stomach.

Tony and Steve managed to get you out and back to the compound to be fixed up by Bruce, but shortly after everyone had gotten called out for a different mission, leaving you and Natasha to be the only people home. You figured that there wouldn't be an issue since she mostly keeps to herself and you were injured so you would be in bed most of the time.

A couple hours went by and you decided that you were sick of sitting in your own sweat and blood. Your stubborn ass decided that you would be physically able to take a shower by yourself.

Everything was going to plan, you had dragged yourself slowly into the bathroom and managed to peel the sticky clothing off of your bruised body. You carefully stepped into the shower and sat on the floor of the bathtub. While you sat there in the bathtub watching as the dirt and blood flowed down the drain you wondered what you had gotten yourself into. Just physically getting into the shower was extremely draining. While you washed your hair and body you thought of what the hell your next steps would be. Your knee made it so that you could only stand on one leg, your ribs made everything you did with your arms hurt, and your stab wound throbbed constantly. While lying in the tub of your shower you physically let go. Your body was so tattered, bruised, and broken that even the thought of moving hurt you. You wondered how much more of this your body could take.

After pulling yourself together enough to sit back up, you slowly reached and turned the handle to the faucet so that the shower stopped. You figured that worst comes to worst at least I'm clean now right? You carefully placed both your hands on the edge of the bathtub on either side of you and slowly began to push your body up. You made it up about halfway before your hand slipped on the slick porcelain jolting your body back into the sitting position that it was previously in.

As you fell back down in pain you scrunched your face to stop the tears and aching whimpers that were pushing to be set free. Slowly you looked down to notice that your stitching on your stomach had ripped open and you were bleeding again.

"Come on Y/N" you muttered to yourself, hoping it would give you the strength you needed.

You thought to yourself for a moment before deciding that the next milestone would be to get out of the bathtub and to seat yourself onto the toilet. Everytime you tried and failed to get yourself out of the bathtub you gave in a little more to the idea of calling your distant teammate to receive some much needed help.

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