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Izumi then nods and the four walk back to Jirou and Izumi says...

So what if you answer because we don't want you to leave your squad because of us so what's your answer yes or no Jirou.

Jirou then says, I don't think I'm apart of their group anymore because they barely talk to me and they said that my hobbies are weird such as sneaking outside , skateboarding , partying at 3:00 am with randoms and stuff so i will accept to be out in your group.

Izumi then nods and says well then welcome to the emo losers club.

Jirou then smiles and says thank you but I think we should head to the dorms it's about to be time for school and we aren't even ready or we haven't cleaned ourselves sense last night so I think we should start skateboarding their.

Todoroki then nods and gets in his skateboard and says last one their has to school has to punch Mr.Aizawa and after he said that he started skateboarding to the school.

Shinso tells hey that's not fair, he gets on his skateboard and starts catching up with todoroki.

Jirou chuckles and gets in her skateboard and starts catching up saying wait for me.

Izumi and Tokoyami laugh and get in their skateboards and start catching up to the crew.

When the five got back it was already 9:12am because they kept goofing around and going to peoples houses to the ding dong ditch.

All of them got to school at the same time so they didn't have to punch Mr.Aizawa in the head so when the checked the time they really don't care because sometimes they are late.

Jirou speaks up and says well let's get ready for school ig, see you guys in front of the dorms and when she in finishes saying that she walks to her dorm room which is in the 3rd floor and goes to take a shower, dry herself off, do her hair and put in her outfit and gets her bookbag and starts heading out.

Izumi and The boys go to their dorms and do the same thing that Jirou did and they start walking out and they went to meet Jirou at the Gate and Started walking to U.A.
(Their outfits)

(Their outfits)

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