Chapter 1

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          Once I get ready I go to the kitchen and make myself and my dog, Raider, a black wolf dog, some food and something to drink. I make my usual breakfast and eat quickly. 

Once I finish eating I put my dish into the sink and I walk over to the door, grabbing Raiders leash on the tiny table next to the door. "C'mon boy, your coming with me." He stands up from his rest quickly and jogs over happily. I clip his leash  on and grab my backpack I packed the previous night and head out to school.

Once we finally reach the school we're greeted by a very large flight of stairs. "Fun.." 

once we reach the top of the stairs I breath for a moment. Let's just say those stairs and my lungs did not agree. Suddenly Raider barks happily and tugs at the leash. I look over and and notice my brother, Fushiguro Megumi. "Gumi! Raider wants to say hi." He looks over right as Raider jumps up on him, licking his face happily. I giggle, walking over to Megumi, watching his blank face. "You could've at least held him back." He sighs. "Nah, that wouldn't have been as fun." I chuckle. I then see three other people, one I know is my sensei, Gojo Satoru, there was also a girl with short brown hair, then a boy that made me take a second look. The boy had dusty pink hair and a dark the hair of the man in my dream. "You must me Y/n Fushiguro." Gojo sensei says. "That I am." I respond. "Great!" He says putting his hands together happily. "So, I do have work to do, so your classmates here will introduce themselves and show you to your dorm." Gojo tells me, starting to walk off. "Well that's great." The girl with brown hair says before looking at me, seeming to judge my very soul.  "Ugh your just like the others. And your hard to read." She sighs dissatisfied. I giver her a confused look. "Don't mind Nobara." Megumi sighs. I just nod in response. "It's cool to meet you..wait, what do I call you?.." The boy with pink hair and an undercut asks me. "Hm, I don't mind if you want to call me Y/n." I say with a slight smile. "Ok." He says. He definitely wasn't the man from my dream, his voice wasn't raspy nor did he have red eyes or sharp teeth. "Well I'm Itadori Yuji." The boy tells me, then he looks down at Raider. "Does he..can I?" I chuckle at his question and nod. "He doesn't bite, and yes you can pet him." Itadori smiles brightly and bends down to pet Raider who happily accepts the attention. "How did you understand that.." Nobara asks. "Easy, she can relate to his mindset." Megumi tells her looking at me. I was about to retort to my brothers comment before I notice something on Itadori's face. A foreign mouth and eye appeared on his cheek. I step back a bit startled, the mouth just smirks at me. "What..the that..." Nobara and Megumi look down at Itadori and notice it too, but don't look frightened, they seem annoyed more than anything. "Sukuna go away you bastard!" Nobara yells, seeming to be annoyed. Itadori sighs heavily, putting his hand on his face, covering the mount and eye. "I'm sorry about him." He says, which I barley pick up, I was too focused on the name Nobara spoke. Sukuna. Almost immediately when she said the name, an image came into view in my mind of the man in my dreams. 'Could..could sukuna be the one in my dreams?..' I shake my head and come back to reality. "Hey, nothing to be sorry about. But uh, Sukuna?" Itadori nods closing his eyes for a moment. "Yeah, um, long story short I ate a cursed finger and now I'm a vessel of a special grade curse, Sukuna ryomen." I nod, confused, seeing the image of the man again. A few seconds later the three lead me to the dormitory and to my room. They leave me to unpack quietly with my dog. I place my backpack down and sigh. 'Could Sukuna be that man in my dreams?' Suddenly an image of the man from my dreams some into my mind, the name 'Sukuna' bombarding it. I growl, shaking my head, the sound and image fading away quickly. 'Why would a curse be in my dreams? To taunt me? To mentally break me to kill me?' 

I go threw scenarios and come to a decision, one to talk to Itadori later about Sukuna. 

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