A new poster was good enough for Ree, though. "Thanks, Donna, I love it."

Ree ripped the wrapping paper off her next few gifts; Her parents had gotten her some new records and a few new books straight off her list.

Unfortunately for Eric, he ripped his present open eagerly, practically drooling at the thought of his new tape player, when he opened his new 8-track player. His shoulders slumped, but he tried not to let the disappointment show on his face. "Wow," he said, unenthusiastically. "I mean, yeah," he added. Ree gave him a sad smile and patted his shoulder, knowing how much he had wanted a tape player.

"It's an 8-track tape player," their mom giggled.

Eric nodded, while Ree tried not to laugh at her brother's expense. "I see that."

"Just what you asked for," said Red with a grin over Eric's shoulder.

"You made such a big deal about it, I wrote it down!" Exclaimed Kitty.

Ree turned her attention back to her own gifts, opening up one from Jackie, much to Ree's surprise. She figured Jackie would be the last person to get her a gift, after Hyde, of course. Unless it was something to mess with her . . . Ree unwrapped the gift with caution, but the small box had a picture of a fancy-looking perfume. Ree smiled, but looked at Jackie with surprise, "Wow, Jackie, this is great," she spoke as she opened the box. She pulled the bottle out delicately and spritzed some onto her wrist. A sweet-smelling floral scent filled the air and Ree smiled gratefully at Jackie. "This is really nice of you."

"Ugh, I know, but I made a New Year's Resolution to help out the unfortunate, so." Jackie flipped her hair over her shoulder and headed around the couch to the punch bowl.

Ree had to physically bite her tongue to keep from lashing out at Jackie, but she caught Donna's eye who shook her head.

From beside her, Eric was unwrapping his gift from Hyde, revealing new cassettes for his non-existent tape player. Ree snorted, while Eric smiled fakely at Hyde. "Cassettes," he announced.

"You're welcome," said Hyde with a mischievous grin.

"While you're at it, you might as well open mine," said Ree with a small giggle, handing her twin a similar sized gift wrapped in brightly colored paper and a big, blue bow. Eric, the twisted smile never leaving his face, unwrapped Ree's gift. A tortured laugh escaped his lips as he found even more cassettes in his possession. Ree hated that she and Hyde had had the same birthday present idea for Eric, but the circumstances were too hilariously awful for her twin that Ree couldn't even be mad.

"Oooh," said Kitty with a smile. "Let's put 'em in the 8 track and play 'em."

Ree let out a snort as she laughed at Eric's expense.

While Ree unwrapped a nice, new pair of sandals from Bob and Midge, Eric unwrapped a hot shave dispenser.

"Oh," said Kitty with a sigh, snatching the box from Eric. "He won't need that for a long time." She put the box down on the bar counter. "A long, long time," she emphasized, causing Eric's cheeks to redden.

"Oh, of course he will," said Midge, placing a hand on Kitty's shoulder and turning her around gently. "He's almost like a man." She sent a smile to the twins. "And Ree is turning into such a nice, young woman."

Their mother burst into tears, immediately being engulfed in a hug by Midge.

"I got you something," Donna spoke up, holding her nicely wrapped gift for Eric.

"No!" Both Ree and Jackie exclaimed, stopping Donna in her tracks. There was an awkward pause as all eyes stared at the two girls.

"Donna, Ree, help me find my purse, now," Jackie ordered, tugging Donna through the door and into the kitchen. Ree was right on their heels, leaving the rest of the party in confusion.

Edge of Seventeen: Steven Hyde/OCWhere stories live. Discover now