Chapter 4: The Real Butler Test

Start from the beginning

Ritsu's mouth was wide open, admiring the sight of food in front of her. Mugi saw her reaction and grinned, thinking it was cute.

"Ah, I see Tainaka-san has finally woken up from his slumber." Satomi said, smiling.

Ritsu rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. She had no idea how long she had been sleeping. Which she assumed was pretty long.

Suddenly, Ritsu's belly made a growling noise. Ritsu blushed in embarrassment.
Both Mugi and Satomi giggled at the cute sight.

"I see your hungry. Okay then, let's go and eat, shall we?" Satomi said. Everyone then took their seat on the chairs. Ritsu's mouth was drooling, she was indeed hungry.

"Ittadakimasu!" They said in unison. Ritsu began wolfing down her food, while Mugi and Satomi eat slowly and admiring the cute sight in front of them.

In just a few minutes, Ritsu finished her food.

"Thanks for the food!" Ritsu said. "I'm beat!".

" You must be really hungry. "Satomi teased. Ritsu looked away, blushing furiously. "'Course I was..."

Mugi just giggled. "Really very hungry. You finished in in three minutes! That's a record!"

"Oh, stop it! You're embarrassing me!" Ritsu said, covering her face as she blushed and smiled sheepishly. Satomi and Mugi giggled again.


"It's huge!"

"Thank you for the compliment!"

Mugi, Ritsu and Satomi stood beside the huge pool with an extremely tall diving board. Ritsu had her mouth wide open. Satomi sweat-dropped.

"That's my reaction when I first saw this." She said.

"It's nice to have money." Ritsu said, sweat-dropping as well. Mugi giggled.

"This is where you'll be starting the real butler test."


"Is that how a butler should react?" A deep, manly voice said. Ritsu turned to look behind, and saw a tall, old man wearing black spectacles. He wore a tuxedo, too. Ritsu instantly became scared of him. He just looks so important.

"Hello. My name is Himura Rei and I am the 'Special Butler'. I will be your boss as a butler." He said, adjusting his spectacles. Ritsu then stood straight.

"H-Hai!" Ritsu said, sweating. Ritsu then instantly thought of something which made her wonder.

'He looks so familiar...even his name...where did that come from...?' Ritsu thought, staring at Rei.

"Ah! Rei! You're finally here." Mugi said, clapping happily. Ritsu sweat-dropped at Mugi.

'How can she do that in front of a strict man?!' Ritsu thought, shocked. Rei then walked to Mugi and gave her a big hug.

"I'm always here, Ojou-sama!" Rei said, smiling sweetly.

"Mou, Rei! How many times do I have to tell you to just call me by my name?" Mugi said, pouting cutely. Rei then let go from the hug.

"But you're my Ojou-sama and I'm the special butler! I must call you Ojou-sama." Rei said. Mugi pouted even more. Rei then turned back to Ritsu, who had her mouth wide open at the scene that just happened a few seconds ago.

"Well then, Tainaka-san. Let's start the test now, shall we?" Rei said. Ritsu nodded vigorously. Rei adjusted his spectacles again, staring at Ritsu ever so scary. Ritsu flinched at the sight.

"If you pass, I fully allow you to be Ojou-sama's protective butler," Rei said, and laughed creepily afterwards.

"But if you fail, you shall leave and never return."

Ritsu pondered awhile. Does she want to pass, or fail? Being Mugi's butler was a huge shock for her. All she did was save her from a bunch of bad guys. But on the other hand, she get to protect an important Ojou-sama while living in luxury. Finally, she made her decision.


A/N: Well, that was interesting.

Hope you like it so far with this new chapter! More is coming soon (I guess)

There WILL be shippings in this story, so do look forward to it!

This story is gonna be similar to the anime! So, if you haven't watch the anime, "Hayate no Gotoku", then you should watch it! This story is kinda gonna spoil the story in the anime.

Till next chapter!

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