You said forever

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Writers note:

Ok well I kinda wanted to make a fanfic cuz i have no life (ahaha) and all i do is read them. No promises its going to be amazing but I'll do my best. If you have any suggestions please comment below and I will give you credit(: Last thing: please excise my grammer!! I don't know British terms so I'm going to use American terms and it could be located in America, idk. Mkay, thanks!


Morgan's P.O.V.

My name is Morgan. I am eighteen years old and I am currently living with my best friend Elizabeth Frank in London, England. I'm from Charlotte, North Carolina. Everything here is like my small town on drugs. It's so big! I miss my friends a lot. I text them but it's not the same as seeing them. I have to go get some groceries for the Franks, so I slip on my UGG boots and grab my keys. "Mrs. Frank, anything else you need?"

"No I think the list has everything on it. It's on the table by the front door."

"Okay." I grab the list and walk out of the flat and towards my car. Before I leave I take a glance at the list. Ew, asparagus. I never understood why anyone would like that stuff. I shake my head and turn the car on and drive down the road.

I was half way through my list and I saw a group of girls huddled together. What was going on? I hard someone yell "BOO BEAR I LOVE YOU!!" Boo bear? Is someone talking to their teddy bear or something? As I was looking I saw a hole in the mob of teenage girls. It was a boy, looking about twenty. We locked eyes before the hole quickly closed again and I walked over towards the frozen pizzas.

I went to check out and there he was again, minus the girls surrounding him.

"I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but notice you earlier. You are exceptionally beautiful. What's your name, love?"

"I'm Morgan. What's yours?"

"Louis. Mind if i get your number? I would stay and chat, but I see more wide-eyed girls coming our way." He says with a light chuckle.

"Oh, sure." I replied as I put my number into his iPhone.

"Thanks. I'll text you as soon as I can, ok?"

"Alright!" I say as I give him a reassuring look. He turned around on his heel and walked towards the girls who were already almost running towards him.


Writers note: Soo what do you guys think? Give me some feedback please!! Thanks you guys, its very appreciated(:

Instagram: @hey_its_melissa

You said foreverWhere stories live. Discover now