"Why do I need to apologise?" I asked confused,

"Gracie" he warned and I groaned,

"Sorry" I apologised and she smiled,

"Let's go" he told me as we walked out of the apartment and Kacys mom said goodbye to us "I can't believe you Gracie" Jay ranted as he pulled me across the road and in to our building "inside" he ordered as he pushed me gently through the front door where an indifferent looking Hailey stood waiting,

"Why did you have to tell him" I asked her angrily,

"Gracie, he was gonna find out when he got back anyway" she told me and I shook my head,

"Not if you hadn't told him" I accused,

"Hey" Jay cut in "this is not Haileys fault, you're the one in the wrong" he told me and I huffed angrily,

"No I'm not, all I wanted to do was go to my friends house" I shouted "if you weren't such a bitch then I wouldn't be in trouble" I screamed and winded my eyes when I realised what I had said. In a flash Jay was by my side and waisted no time in spanking my butt and thighs causing me to squeal out in surprise "I'm sorry I didn't mean to say it" I sobbed in an attempt to stop my brother from roasting my behind,

"Get out of my sight" he demanded and I hastily ran off to my bedroom and closed the door behind me. Crap. I've really done it now! I pretty sure he might actually kill me! I fell down on to my bed and sobbed in to my pillow.

After about half an hour I was sat on my bed and not a sound could be heard in the apartment. I stood up off my bed and crept out of my room in a hopes that if I apologised now Jay might not be as mad,

"Jay" I whispered as I peeked from behind the wall at my brother who was sat on the sofa with the TV playing on mute,

"I told you to stay in your room Gracelyn" he said as he looked over at me with a frustrated sigh,

"I'm really sorry Jay" I said honestly with tears pooling in my eyes,

"Go back to your room" he instructed simply,

"Please Ja-" he cut me off before I could continue,

"Now Gracie" he warned and I sniffled before walking back off to my bedroom. A thought ran through my mind as I remembered what one of my friends had said to me in the past. 'I was naughty with one of my foster parents once and they sent me to a kids home.' Was she right? Was Jay gonna get rid of me? Will wouldn't let him do that...would he? Maybe he would! He's gonna be super mad when he finds out what I said! I need to get out of here. I grabbed a backpack and shoved in some essentials before ripping out a page from my notebook and writing a note to leave on my bed,

Dear Jay

I'm really sorry


With tears in my eyes I placed the folded note on my pillow and grabbed my stuffed rabbit. I carefully opened up my window and climbed out on to the fire escape before jumping down and taking off down the block.

Jays POV

I took a deep breath before heading to Gracies room and knocking on the door before opening to see in to the room. I frowned when I saw her empty room and looked over at the bathroom to see if she was in there but the door was wide open "Gracie?" I asked confused as I walked further inside and scanned the room. Open window. Open wardrobe. Missing clothes. I looked over at her bed and my heart sank when I saw a folded piece of paper on her pillow where her stuffed rabbit would normally sit. My eyes scanned over the short message and I pulled out my phone,

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