Chapter 4

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Soon day came and with it came the rays of sunlight that managed to slip through Harry's curtains. Harry groaned at the aspect of waking up. He rolled out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. Ten minutes passed and Harry came out of the bathroom looking refreshed. Before he could make his way out of his room, he spots a falcon outside his window. Looking closer at it he noticed a letter is tied to it's leg. He goes to the window, opens the window allowing the falcon to enter the room. Harry takes the letter from the falcon's leg and slowly unravels it to look at the contents.


Dear Harry Potter (our mate),

I hope this letter has found its way to you with the thanks of Atticus, the falcon.

I hope that you have taken this time to cool down about this recent discovery of being our mate.

This letter is to not distress you in any way.

If you would like to, Tom and I would love to have a better conversation.

We did not have time to discus everything that should have been discussed.

I only have two questions.

1) Is your home set-up to the Floo Network?

2) Are you willing to meet with us?

Please send a response as soon as possible.

Your truly,

Draco Malfoy

T. M. Riddle


Once done with the letter, Harry let out a frustrated grunt. He closed up the letter and put it aside to remind him to write back to them. Giving Atticus some water and food, he made his way out to the kitchen to see that his aunt has left him a note.

-Be back at 10pm. Called in! Don't worry about me! Number on fridge if you need me.-

Signing he made himself breakfast. Sitting down at the fireplace looking on as the fire flickers in his eyes, thinking of a way to tell them off. Quickly finishing his meal he rushed back to his room and started writing.


Crumbled up papers piled up Harry's desk and Harry was still fiercely writing away, trying to write the best letter to send Malfoy and Riddle not even realizing how much effort he is putting into it. Setting down his pen, he sighed, finally he was done. After reading it over he folded it up and tied it to the falcon's leg. "All the way to Malfoy, please. Safe travels." Harry waves off the falcon. Looking over at the clock, it read 5:18, Harry realized that he missed lunch and it was dinner time.

Harry heated up some leftovers from the night before and slowly ate that leaving himself alone to his thoughts. Hoping that he did justice with his letter and that they won't bother him ever again with this mate crap. Finishing up dinner, he called it a night and went to bed not caring one once about Tom Riddle or Draco Malfoy.



Sorry it took so long. Didn't have energy to write anything. In the next chapter we will see Draco and Tom's reactions to the letter and what they will do. No clue when that will be out but just wait for it. THANK YOU!!!!!!

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