Mikami, who used to be Dead

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“Girly Matsuda.” Karin said.

“I heard that!” Matsuda yelled outside.

Karin laughs and I chuckled. I stand up and she runs over to give me a hug. Karin’s tears soaked up on my shirt. I brushed her hair. “What’s wrong?”

Karin sniffled and then looks up at me. “Do you know Teru Mikami?”

I stared at her. “Yes, why is he alive?”

Karin nodded her head. “And…”

“And?” I asked.

“He kissed me.” Karin cried more.

“So, do you want me to give you a kiss to forget about it?” I asked. I’m so going to kill Mikami for kissing Karin.

*Karin’s POV*

I nodded my head. L lifts my chin and kisses my neck and then all the way to my lips. The soft lips and the taste of strawberries made Mikami’s kiss go away.

The door behind us slammed opened and I jumped into L’s arms. Matsuda came in with a donut box. He smiled weirdly. “Oh, was I interrupting something?”

“Stupid Matsuda.” L said and puts me down.

Near comes out behind Matsuda. “We need to talk.”

“Karin, would you please go outside.” L said.

“I’m in this, I’m not leaving.” I said and hug his arm.

L stares at me and then back at Near. “Fine, let’s get started.”

Near and I sat in our own chairs and so did L.

“Teru Mikami died before Light Yagami died.” Near said twirling part of his white hair. “He was the fourth Kira.”

“Are you sure he was dead?” I asked.

“We checked his pulse and it was gone.” Near said.

“Then the question is how did he become a half breed?” L asked as he chews his thumb.

“Well there are two ways to become a half breed. One is that when human souls go to heaven for judgment. The judges of souls get to decide if you become an angel, shinigami, or go back to earth to make a new life. But has consequences to go back to earth. They become half shinigami, which means they only have wings. No Death Note and no Shinigami eyes. Two is that my mom is half breed, but more powerful in her own way. She can make humans turn into half breeds by changing their attitudes and their eyes. Making them into a totally different person. But, since she’s a half breed she doesn’t have a Death Note and Shinigami eyes.” I said and then took a deep breath.

“The half breeds always mention this Madame Angel person. That person might be your mom.” L said.

“It has to be. The judges of souls rarely give human souls to go back to the human world as a half breed.” I said trying not to believe it. Why would my mom do this?

“Then Mikami must have gone through the process of the judges of souls.” L said. "But, we still don't know why he knows about your mo-"

"Can we just say Madame Angel? It's better that way." I said trying to not choke up the tears that were coming.

L and Near nodded their heads in agreement.

“Now to Light Yagami. Who is now a shinigami.” L said. “But, before we get to that.”

L looks at me. “Can I see your Death Note?”

“Sure.” I said and take out my Death Note. It ‘s white and had the lettering of ‘Death Note’  is in black.

“Yours is different from Ryuk’s Death Note.” L said lifting it up and examining it.

“Yeah, when I was born I had that one. My dad said it will be useful only at a critical time.” I laugh a little and scratch my head. “But, I didn’t go threw a life risking critical time.”

“What about the time you saved me?” L asked.

“I didn’t die so that wasn’t life risking.” I said.

L gives me back my Death Note. “Now back to Light Yagami. We need to know what his objective is and make sure that people won’t know that Kira is back for more disgraceful judgment.”

"I'll check up with the Japanese police for anymore Kira crimes." Near gets up and walks away and Matsuda followed. Leaving me and L in the secrete room. I walk over to L and give him a hug. “We’re not going to kill my mother are we?”

“No, we’re not.” L said and pats my head.

“Good, because I miss her so much.” I said in a teary voice. L brushes my hair and told me to calm down. “It’s okay.”

“Well, I came back to say hi and I see you newly weds are making a hugging session.”

We looked up at where the voice was and it was Ryuk holding a bag of apples.

“Ryuk!” I yelled with joy and jumped up to give him a hug.

“Hey I saw you’re wedding outside of the window.” Ryuk said and gave me an apple. He points at the apple. “That’s your wedding gift.”

“Thanks.” I said and take a bite out of it. I give the apple to L. “Want a bite?”

“I’ll pass.” L then looks at Ryuk. “Do you know what Light is planning?”

Ryuk quickly finishes all of his apples and then scratches his head. “All I know is that he’s planning to use these half breeds from this person named Madame Angle and for something. That’s all I know.”

"Why are you going against Light, Ryuk?" L asked. “Mikami has joined up with Light and met Madame Angel.”

Ryuk stares at him. “He doesn’t know I’m here. Also he barely cares where I am now since he’s partnering up with Madame Angle.”

“My mom is his partner?” I said in shocked.

“Yeah, and I met her.” Ryuk said as he was about to leave.

“Wait!” I grabbed his black long finger.

Ryuk looks back at me. “What?”

“Did she ask you how was I doing and does she look healthy?” I asked.

“She’s healthy and…” Ryuk trailed off.

“And?” I asked.

“When I ask if she wanted to know how you were doing.” Ryuk looks down at me. “She said she didn’t care about you at all.”  

Death Note: The Daughter of the Shinigami KingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora