A secret admirer..?

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Peter's POV:

I was heading down to the kitchen when I saw ororo hugging jean with flowers and a box of chocolates in her hands so I guess that means that it's Valentine's Day or their anniversary but I'm gonna go with Valentine's Day

And then right there at the counter I saw Scott and Logan kissing well practically making out I'd say

"Get a room you two" I said while opening the fridge and grabbing a coke

"Nah you can watch" Scott replied

"BLEH" I jokingly replied back with

"Dramatic" Scott said as he was walking over to the fridge and grabbed two cokes out of the fridge and handed one over to Logan

"Anyways do you guys now what today is?" I asked while taking a sip of my coke

"It's Valentine's Day, did you forget?" Scott said replying back to my question

"Oh yeah I totally remembered I didn't forget" I lied

"You forgot didn't you kid" Logan said

"I forgot." I said

"Anyways do you have any plans for today Peter?" Scott asked

"No not really probably just gonna stay here for the most part" I replied

"Are you sure about that? Maybe not even try to tell a certain blue mutant that you like them?" Scott teased

"Mystique? No!" I said

"No you idiot!" Scott groaned

"I'm talking about Kurt! Are you gonna confess to Kurt or what?!"

"I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about!" I responded back with

"Kid don't even try denying it I mean it's pretty obvious that you and elf like each other" Logan commented

"I'd say it's like they want to kiss each other but they keep hesitating every moment" Wanda interrupted while walking into the kitchen

"WANDAAA" I whined covering my face with my hands to not show my embarrassed expression

"What I mean am I wrong tho?" She said

"No.." I mumbled

"So still are you gonna confess to him or are we gonna have to wait until next Valentine's Day?" Scott interrupted

"I honestly don't know but I'm kinda considering telling him today" I replied

"Well do you know how your gonna do it or are you just gonna wing it?" Logan asked

"Maybe..wing it? Heh.." I awkwardly responded back with

They all just groaned and Wanda just slapped her forehead before she grabbed me by the wrist and was starting to pull me out of the kitchen

"C'mon I'm gonna help you confess to him" She said

"Goodluck with that" Scott yelled as we were walking out

"What about my coke I wasn't done drinking it?!" I said

"Oh it's fine you can drink it later" She responded

Then we reached my room but when I opened my door Wanda grabbed my arm to stop me

"Wanda what's wrong?" I asked

"Look" she bent down and grabbed a letter that was in front of us

"It's a letter" I said

"Not just any letter, a love letter" Wanda said

"You mean like a secret admirer..?"

Hi everyone! I really hope that you like the story and please remember to drink some water and eat something but other than that adios!

It all started with a letterWhere stories live. Discover now