Before I turned around full she had ducked back down the hallway. Luckily she had just seen my back, but my face was still as red as a tomato. Why was I going red, it seriously wasn't that bad. It's not like I had a crush on her or anything. Maybe. Nope, Nope, Nope! I can not have a crush on Wilburs younger sister. She is very pretty though...

"Tommy, you are going so red!" Toby said laughing. I snap out of my case and focus back on the laughing boy on my bed.
"Well, did you see what happened?!" I yelled back to him.
"Don't worry, I don't think she saw much, only your back that looks more like a spoon" he exclaimed. I didn't even bother to comment. Instead I slipped my original shirt back on went down stairs.

"Not a word to Will or Niki, understood?" I said to Toby.
"Understood cheif" he said back.


It had been a few minutes since the 'incident' when I saw Tommy and Toby come down the stairs, both fully clothed.

He came over to me. Shit, he is going to be so mad at me  I thought. He bent down to my ear level.
"Not a word to anyone, right, nothing happened?" He said.
"Not a word" I said back. He stood up, patted my shoulder and walked into the kitchen.

Oh boy.

After about 10 minutes we all left the house and piled into Wilburs car again. I sat in the middle and pretended that nothing happened. Us three still joked around and made fun of random shit. It was like nothing was wrong.

Nothing was wrong. At least that's what my brain was trying to tell my stomach. It did feel a little weird to be sitting next to him. Don't know why. It's not like I liked him or anything.

After about 15 minutes we pulled in  outside the rink. Tommy had his camera in hand, Toby his chest cam and Will a go-pro.
"How many cameras does it take to film a video?!" I asked Tommy.
"Well woman, me being a professional, I need at least 3 ways of capturing expert fottage" He said. I just smiled and kept walking.

We walked inside and got our skates. Before Tommy and Toby had even worked out the straps I had ran out onto the ice and was re-collecting my balance. I was back home.

I skated over to the wall closest to where the boys and Niki were.
"What's taking so long!" I say, laughing.
"These skates are hard to put on!" Tommy said back.

They finally got them on and made there way to the ice. Toby, Tommy and I kinda split off from the other two.
"Have either of you skated before?" I asked.
"I have." Toby said "It's been a while though." I turned to Tommy. He still hadn't got on the ice yet. He bent down to my level and spoke quietly to my.

"I have never stepped on ice before" he said. I laughed at him.
"Aww, is big man Tommyinnit scared?" I teased.
"No, I'm just not prepared!" He said, going a little red. I turned around to see Toby was already a quarter way round the rink.
"Come on, we gotta catch him!" I held out my arm for him to lean on, even though he was a good 8 inches taller than me.

He grabbed my arm and slowly made his way on the ice. After about 10 metres he began to slip.
"Tommy, stop! You're pulling me down!" I said laughing.

"I cant, you're not strong enough!" He said, laughing back at me. As he said that I felt my feet go out from under me and both of us fall flat on the ice.

"You Good?" I ask.
"I've broken all my ass bones!" He said. We lay there laughing at ourselves. I could hear Toby, Niki and Will laughing at us too. We must have looked so stupid.

After a couple of minutes I got up. I turned around to see Tommy try to get up and fail, landing on his ass again.
"Oh, get upppp" I say impatiently, holding out my hand for him to take. He pulls himself up (thanks to me. He's freaking heavy boys) and we make our way over to Toby, Tommy still leaning on my arm.

"You two are so cute!" Toby says as soon as we meet up.
"We are not!" Tommy yells as he pushes Toby over. I look up at him to see his cheeks go a little red.
"Do you two want to have a race?" I suggest, knowing how competitive they both are.
"Yes, first to the woman!" Tommy says excitedly. I push him over onto the ice.

"Y/n, helpppppp!" He cries. I just stood there laughing at him. He eventually got up and the two boys made there way to the start.

"On your marks, get set, GO!" I yell. Toby was faster out of the start, especially because Tommy is as fast as a snail. All of a sudden a loud thud was heard, and Toby on the ground, laughing his head off.

With that, Tommy took his chance and reached me first. As he came closer I held out my hand for him to touch to signalled the finish.

Instead of just high 5ing me, he grabbed my hand and pulled me down with him.

'Tommy!!" I yell at him as I hit the  floor. Tommy turned to his vlog camera.
"Just killed a woman, feeling Good!" He said, laughing.
"Don't you dare post that!" I say to home laughing.
"Oh, I will woman!" He responded back to me with a big goofy grin on his face.

I gave him a hit on the thigh before getting up and helping the struggling boy to his feet.

After all that Will said it was time to go home. One again we piled into Wilburs car and started the drive.

"You know Tommy, on that last fall I kinda hurt my wrist" I say smiling smugly. I see Wilburs eyes shoot to the rear view mirror to look Tommy with a dead man's look on his face.
"I apologise I hurt the woman" he said sarcastically.

I didn't reply. Instead I rested my head on his shoulder and listened to the soft noise of the car, thinking about the amazing day I had just had.
_________________________________________WOW that was long. I love this chapter. It's kinda too cute. Anyways like I said I'm writing these at like 1am and I have school tomorrow YAY.
Love you guysssssss byeeeeeee

1783 wordssssss

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