chapter 12: the festival pt 2

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"would you like to dance with me." beidou said offering out her hand, for y/n to take.

"I would but i dont know a single dance from liyue" y/n said with a sadened exprecion.

"don't worry my dear, just follow my lead" beidou said smiling.

"well then i dont think i could say no to a beauty such as yourself" Y/n said smirking as she took beidou's hand, and put away her wolfhook juice. beidou pulled her towards the dance floor, y/n stumbeled a bit from getting caught of guard, but beidou caught her.

"are you okay dear?" she wispered softly, y/n could fell ther cheeks burning, and she once again reliced how much of a beauty beidou truly was, her long elegant brown hair, her stunning red eyes and her pretty facial fetures, beidou giggled softly at y/n.

"if you are okay then lets dance" she said, as she let go of y/n from when she stumbeled.

"yes lets dance" Y/n replied as she had come out of her daze, a happy and quick song started playing.

"oh this one is a bit hard but i belive you will do fine as long as im here" beidou said, y/n nodded in responce, as beidou took y/n's hand once again, and guided her to the dance floor.

"okay just mimic my movements, and you'll be fine." beidou said as she whent to stand across from y/n.

"okay" y/n answered as she stood in the starting pose of the dance, beidou took y/n's hands and the two started dancing, twirling all over the dance floor.

"you are quite light on you feet" beidou remarked as she twirled y/n.

"why thank" she responded.

"to think you would catch on to the dance so quickely, you must have some experience in dancing"

"well i did dance much before i became a pirate."

"oh i would have loved to meet you back then"

"i would have wished to meet you sooner aswell, you are truly a joy to be around." y/n said as she smiled kindly something that the captain rarely did.

"may i ask you about your life before you became a pirate" beidou said curiously.

"i dont really feel comfortable talking about my past" Y/n answered a bit ashamed, the song ended and as it did beidou tipped y/n down, staring deep into her e/c eyes.

"it's fine darling if you dont feel comfortable you dont have to say i was just curious about you" beidou wispered, y/n's cheeks turned bright red.

"th- maybe i'll tell you some day" she wispered back, beidous cheeks turned a bit pink and she moved her face closer to y/n's their faces now only inches away. y/n looked deep into beidou's red eyes as she started closing the tiny gap between their faces, their lips only inches away.

"Y/n!!!" Came a voice across the dance floor, y/n immediately pulled away and stood up straight, clearing her troat a deep blush on her face, she looked away *in gay panic*. Beidou scratched the back of her neck a tiny bit of pink on her cheeks.

"Oh am i interupting something" said the one who had said y/n's name, who turned out to be qing, she smirked mishiviosly at her captain.

"N- no not a- at all, what i- is it qi- qing" y/n stammered.

"I just saw you and then i acted on my impulses of calling out your name" qing said a big smile prominent on her lips.

"oh okay..." the h/c haired captain said.

"oh goodbye I sould find xiangling the next song is starting soon" qing giggled as she run of into the crowd of couples, y/n looked at beidou but quickely awerted her gaze, a prominant blush on her cheeks. beidou clared her troat.

"shall we dance my dear?" she said trying to sound confident.

"sure-" y/n said as the song started playing this time it was a much calmer song and everyone danced slower, beidou put her hand on y/n's waist carefully, witch sent shivers down y/n's spine. they danced and the silence was thick.

"i think you should know this but im not good with relationships, to be honest I havent been in one in my whole lifetime" y/n said braking the silence and looking into beidous eyes.

"well i really cant say the same for me, i've been in some relationships, there was this one girl i quite recenty ended things with" beidou responded.

"really why did you brake up?"

"well, we didn't get to see one another because with me sailing around the ocean, and she has a really stressfull and timeconsuming job, so it didn't work out." beidou said a sad excpresion covering her face.

"i'm sorry it didn't work out, if you need to talk about something some time i am happy to be of service." y/n said a comforting smile on her lips.

"i would like that"

"anyways when will we have that rematch" y/n said a smirk prominant on her lips.

"well, maybe when we bouth have a lot of time on our hands, with how long the last one took" beidou answered.

"your right"

"hey I forgot to tell you this but you look marvelous tonight" beidou said winking, y/n blushed.

"why thank you" she responded.

"you know how about we get out of here i would like to give you a private tour of the city" beidou said smirking.

my weakness (Beidou) (hiatus)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora