Fun times are not had

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***Welcome to an angsty chapter. There's been too much fluff, now I need to actually add plot points and include the emotional turmoil of fighting a psychopathic meglomaniac. I almost posted this chapter along with the last chapter, but decided to not leave anyone on a cliffhanger for an entire month. That is why this chapter and the next are posted together so you dear readers will not have to deal with that. I am desensitized to sad scenes so I am not sure how emotional or over the top the ones I write are. Hopefully the chapter turns out ok. Have a nice day! If you can't then watch the Free anime parody "50% Off" on YouTube. It's my type of humor and makes me laugh.***

The Zanpakutos all finally returned to their respective partners. It had happened in the middle of the night and without fanfare. Jun had been down in the dumps the morning after, not waking up in Ama's arms like they had gotten used to. It was a learning experience for everyone, for both those that had materialized Zanpakutos and those that hadn't. While it had boosted communication and improved Shinigami-Zanpakuto relationships overall, everyone had been rather relieved that their Zanpakutos had returned to normal. Everyone was happy for the somewhat return to normalcy, but mostly happy Jun no longer had an additional army of Zanpakutos at their beck and call. It had become quickly apparent to everyone in the Seireitei that Jun had a very good relationship with other Shinigamis' Zanpakutos and therefore many of the Zanpakutos voluntarily and enthusiastically complied with any requests Jun asked of them and could often be found chasing after Jun in their free time. It had been a stressful revelation for everyone involved and within range of Jun.

Coinciding with the Zanpakutos return to their wielders, Jun and Ama had finally finished their time at the 6th Division and it had been interesting in a lot of ways. With Byakuya's tight reign on Jun, everyone had assumed it would've been one of Jun's more quiet weeks—everyone had learned to start categorize Jun-keeping by different levels (more quiet, normal havoc amounts, uncontrolled pandemonium, and Hell descended) instead of assuming it could be stopped. No one accounted for the fact that Jun accomplished getting Byakuya wrapped around their little finger. Byakuya tended to be severe and provide equal treatment for everyone, so when he showed even the slightest favor towards someone it was broadcasted that much louder in contrast to his usual treatment towards others. The fact that he had been allowing Jun to drag him around on different "bonding" activities, had let Jun host and even participated in their all-out Capture the Flag game, and had been seen awkwardly trying to initiate shoulder pats to Jun and Rukia meant everyone knew that Byakuya got caught in Jun's charms as well.

Luckily/reassuringly/tragically(?), or factually, Jun was being switched over to the 5th Division's charge and that just meant another wild card guessing game of what kind of week the 5th and by extension the rest of the Gotei would be having soon.

"Make sure to keep taking care of yourself," Jun stated while calmly patting Byakuya's hand. "I'll be checking in. Rukia and Renji can help you have fun when I'm not there." Renji laughed under his breathe while watching his Captain be treated like a grandson being smothered by his grandparent before they leave. Rukia jabbed him in the spine with an angle that made sure no one saw that she was the one that did it, while nodding seriously at Jun's statements.

Byakuya pulled his hand away after his feelings of self-consciousness grew larger. He still was not as usual to physical contact among those close to him but was getting better at it. "Yes, take care Jun." He nodded his head towards Ama. "Amaterasu-san as well. You're welcome to come visit the 6th during our downtime as long as you behave reasonably." While saying that, none of the outsiders listening in could really figure out what Byakuya considered 'reasonable behavior' from Jun considering the fact that he's been giving them a lot more leeway in their actions for the past week. "Do not cause trouble in the 5th." Jun nodded stoically.

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