The icecream man|Whole series|Pt1-2|BTS Jungkook ff

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Author POV: Few months ago, there was a man. His name was Jungkook. He was a famous and rich man of his city. He had all the money and property. Many people were even scared of him because he had power. But he actually had a kind personality. He had a huge mansion, luxurious cars, pets, and most of all, the thing he valued most, his family. He had a wife named Joy and a daughter. He loved them dearly. But one, day everything changed. He lost the thing which was the most precious to him.

Present time:

Author POV:It was 12 in the afternoon. Y/N and her daughter Jenny were going out.

Jenny:Eomma! Look. There is an icecream truck.I want to go there

Author POV:Y/N looked at the icecream truck.She saw many children crowded around a man who was selling icecream. She decided to take Jenny there.

Y/N:Ok Jen. Come on!

Jenny:Thanks Eomma! (Happily squeaks)

(Y/N and Jen go there)

Y/N:Jen which flavour?

Jenny:I wan-I want 'strawbewwy' flavour

Y/N:Awwww! Ok cutie pie.

Y/N:Excuse me

Icecream man:Yes ma'am.

(He turns to see Y/N and looks closely at her. Then he gasps)


Y/N:How do you know my name??Do I know you??

Jk:Y/N, it's me, Jungkook!

Author POV:Jungkook and Y/N we're childhood besties. However, at the age of 17, Jungkook shifted cities from Daegu to Seoul because of a good college offer.

Y/N:J-Jungkook?!Why are you here. That to in this form? I thought you shifted to Seoul for college studies. I also heard that you got married and became a rich man? I hardly recognise you!Where is your wife?

(Tears start to form in Jungkook's eyes)

Y/N:Jungkook, why are you crying?? (Says concerned)

Jk:It's a long story. If you hear it you will only feel bad.

Y/N:No!You have to tell me.....

Jk:(sigh)You are right. I became rich. I was one of the known people in the area. I had a nice mansion, cars and all riches. Most importantly, I had a wife a daughter, a good family overall.They were my gold world.But one day, it all got destroyed. I am still rich and all, but I lost my family in a car accident. They got into a car accident while coming back home from the bakery to by a cake from my birthday. (Sobs)

Y/N: I am so sorry kook.... (Also starts crying)

Jk:I lost it all!

(Y/N tries to console him. She then asks while crying)

Y/N:Why-why are you here then?

Jk:(sobbing) I lost my children and wife. I cannot be hap-happy with any riches. I'd gladly give all these riches in exchange for my wife and daughter. My family!

Y/N:I understand Kook....

Jk:I am lonely. Instead of dying with this pain and grief, I sell toys, sweets, treats, icecream etc in different cities. I hope to find my happiness in other children's happiness. That will at least help with my loneliness.

Author POV:With that, he gave Y/N his number and hopped on the icecream truck and drove off

Y/N:Wait kookie! (Crying)

Author POV:But Jungkook did not listen and kept on driving.

Psst.....Thank good he at least gave her his number.

Hope you enjoyed this short series 

The Icecream 🍦  man | BTS-Jungkook ff | short seriesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن