"Fine," Nico huffed, and stood up slowly next to Will who had already hopped straight up from his seat. After Nico noticed Will eying his hand, Nico smiled a little and grabbed Will's, to which Will responded with a light gasp and huge smile. And a desperate urge that he held back to hug Nico super duper duper hard. And he knew the opportunity would come as soon as Nico's dare really began.

Once the pair had arrived at the campfire pit, hand still in hand, Will began to explain the conditions of the dare. Meanwhile, some of Will's siblings were cooing at the sight of them hand holding, and Kayla passed. After the rules were explained, Nico just about threw a fit.

"Hey, you're the one that agreed to the bet. And this is the dare I've chosen. Now turn around, or I might just take back what I said about no singing."

"Oh, Hades. Fine. Let's just get it over with."

"Come on, Nico. I mean, if that's really how you want to be about it. I'm sure my siblings wouldn't mind you joining them up there."

"Please, no. Just put the chain on." And so Will put a loose rope chain around Nico's neck, and tied it together in the back, so that the little wooden sign could be clearly seen in the front.

"Free Hugs," it read.

Nico was so close to shadow traveling to China, but if he did, Will promised to make him spend a week in the infirmary after, and then wear the chain anyway. And any complaining would result in him singing, something Nico avoided always, but a million times more when there were people around. And people were already filing in, saying their "hello"s to Will and generally eying Nico strangely.

"Hey, I'm going to go talk to a couple of the patients I've been working with. I'll be right back, okay?"

"Come on, Will! Don't leave me alone up here."

Will was hoping Nico would say that. "Well, if you want, I suppose I could take you with me. You might like them."

Nico shrugged. "As long as I'm not being let alone up here. Let's go."

Will slipped his hand back over Nico's, and stood up. "Come along then. And don't even think about hiding your sign."

"Wouldn't dream of it," Nico mumbled, but Will still caught it and smiled coyly at him.

They got to the bottom of the amphitheatre area and Will walked towards a boy about eleven years old with salt and pepper colored hair, with a little girl hiding behind him. The boy was an obvious Hermes kid, but Nico couldn't see the girl clearly enough to tell.

"Will!" The boy said, gleefully.

"Hey, Sammy! Have you met my friend, Nico?"

The boy—Sammy—shook his head. "Travis said he was a meanie," he whispered.

"Nico? Please. I'm sure Travis was just playing a fun prank on you. Nico here is one of the nicest guys in camp.

"Oh yeah? Prove it."

"Easily." Will said, right before he bent down to the little girl hiding behind Sammy. "Hi, Lucy."

"Hi, Will," she said, coming out from her cover. Nico could see that she that she a tooth missing right near the front of her smile, that she was about six or seven years old, and that she had adorably big brown eyes that matched the color of her hair. Will leaned in and whispered something to her, then smiled at Nico.

After Will stood up, smiling and eagerly nodding at Lucy, she began to walk forward to Nico, and tugged a little bit at his shirt.

"Hi there," Nico said, feeling a little awkward, but mostly surprised at the girl's actions.

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