The War Has Begun

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Mihir had successfully made it to the semi-finals. With mentoring from the judges, and encouragement from his friends, he continuously improved himself.

But Hrithik Roshan seemed to know him better than others, for he often gave him a lot of special advice, both on dance as well as life. 

On the other hand, Anyaan Agnihotri never sat idle. He was creating more and more humanoids.

"See, Shekhar and Leela?" he asked the two people whom he had held hostage. "I'm still doing what I want, and you aren't even able to stop me!"

"The law will stop you, Agnihotri!" said Shekhar.

"Huh, to heck with your law! Think you've excelled everywhere?" said Anyaan arrogantly. "Have you forgotten that your own son ran away with his girlfriend because you both didn't approve?"

That struck Shekhar right in the heart. But Leela wasn't giving up.

"We did make a mistake in raising our son. But we are nothing like you!" she said. "You are the one who killed my brother to use his wealth to create these devils of yours!"

"You talk too much," said Anyaan. "Paraasta, give them the injection!"

The couple were quickly injected, and became unconscious.

"That's good. Paraasta, if you keep working like this, you'll become Vijeta soon!"

"I'll do everything to do so, sir," said the woman.


"He's creating humanoids like me to turn Maharashtra into a war zone," Ranaak tearfully told Mihir while they were waiting for their turns. "And they are all over the state!"

Mihir was shocked, but he listened attentively.

"I want to live like a human, Mihir. I don't want to support that Satan."

Mihir put a gentle hand on his shoulder. 

"I understand, Ranaak,"  he murmured. "Perhaps you would be shocked to know that I am Hero."

He recounted the story another time. 

Ranaak turned emotional and hugged him. 

"You are Hero? Mihir, I can't explain how happy I am right now... I will help you in every way I can, to keep the city safe from him!"

"Now, don't be too loud. If someone hears, I'm dead." 

Ranaak agreed and pursed his lips. But they weren't aware that someone had heard them. 

After the shoot was over, both of them decided to go out for coffee. They talked about many things. 

Mihir was talking in highly colourful language about his love for Sanya, while showing Ranaak a picture of the girl. 

"As much as she's beautiful, she's smart too," he said. "I'm gonna ask her out after I'm done with this."

"Wish someone would love me like that," said Ranaak. 

All of a sudden, strong winds began to blow, and loud sounds of thunder could be heard. Ranaak immediately understood what was going on. 

"Mihir, Anyaan has started making the artificial tornado! We need to keep the people safe!"

"Yes!" said Mihir. "You go and tell the people to stay still in safe places, I'll go and find some way to stop the tornado."

Ranaak agreed and sped away to do the deed. 

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