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"Here your milk ma , also thanks for the ice
Cream Wendy and I had a nice time !"
"Yeah of course sweetie glad you had a good time ."
It was 5 o'clock and Alan didn't get him till 7 so I decided to read a bit .  I was reading "the outsiders" it's my favourite book . Yea I know it was written in 67 and this story takes place in 63 but I really love this book lol . I was at the part of Johnny's death . That part always makes me sob .
"Hey dinners ready !"
I didn't realize I was reading for that long because Alan was already home .
"I'll be right down !"
I placed my book down and made my way downstairs .
"Ooo pot roast !" 
I sat at the end of the table and loaded my plate up with potatoes , they were my favourite .
"Hey Annie easy on the potatoes ." My mom chuckled
"Cmon you know their my favourite !"

I finished cleaning the last dish and went to my room . It was currently 9 o'clock , only 5 more hours till the sandlot !  I put on a pair of grey sweat shorts and my dodgers Grey sweatshirt .  I decided to put on my Beatles record while I read . Please lmao I love the Beatles "penny lane"started to play and I hummed the lyrics while I picked up my book .  I got through 2 chapters  before my mom came in my room .
"Diane sweetie it's 11 o'clock , turn off the record and go to sleep ."
"Okay ma , love youuu."
"Love you too Annie ."
3 more hourssssss
I picked up my book and continued to read .
Time skip________
FINALLY ! It's 5 till 2
I grabbed my bat and ball , before I climbed out my window I put on my dodgers hat . Since my room is facing the front lawn I can climb onto the roof and use the porch railings to jump down . The sandlot wasn't too far maybe a 15 minute walk . I always watched the moon and stars on my way so time went by fast . I located the Big Dipper .
Finally the sandlot came into view . I ran out to the diamond .


I've been coming to the sandlot at night for a couple of years now . I always came there at 1 so I could watch the girl . I know what you're thinking ITS NOT CREEPY I just like to see her when she plays it's like nothing else matters and baseball is all that matters . The passion she has for it is so astonishing. I mean she's a girl I've never met a girl that plays ball before . I didn't always come to watch her at first I came at night to watch the stars because I believed my dad was one of them you know watching over me . Yeah I know pretty stupid , but that's what he said to me before he passed .

"Benny I don't think I'll be here much longer I can feel it , I just want to know I'll always be here for you . If you ever miss me just watch the stars and I'll be the brightest one there , shining for you . I'm very proud of you son."

Those were his last words before cancer took a hold of him . So that's what I did I came to the sandlot every night at 1 o'clock to watch him in the sky . Don't get me wrong I didn't stop watching him for the girl . I will never stop watching the stars .  The girl was just a nice plus to my night . Why can't I have the guts to ask her to play with the guys and us I know they'd be impressed .

Then I heard the crack of a baseball and my eyes shot up . Wow the way she glowed in the moons reflection . WHAT NO BENNY MAN NO GIRLS JUST BASEBALL ! I mean sure I like to watch her but I don't like her . I never could baseball is my life and I don't plan on changing that .  Before I could finish my thoughts I did the stupidest thing anyone could do . ACHOO !


Holy shit , what was that !
" WHOS THERE !" No one replied
" CMON I KNOW YOU'RE THERE !" Still no reply . My grip on my bat tightened and I approached the bushes .
" COME OUT ! IM NOT AFRAID !" I tried to make out my voice to be as confident as I could . Then a shadow appeared . DON'T.FREAK.OUT.DIANE
" I see you , can't run away now ."
The shadow then came closer I could see his reflection in the moonlight . If I wasn't scared shitless right now I'd probably be swooning over him .

"He-yyy" the flustered boy managed to speak .
"Hi?" I'm so confused why was a teenage boy in the bushes ?!?
The boy cracked a smile "You're probably wondering why I'm here right?"
"Yup" I said poping the p
"Okay well before you started coming here I'd come here every night and watch the sky . Then I noticed you and became interested in watching you play . I've never seen a girl play ball led alone that good . I didn't mean it in a stalker creepy old man way I swear ."
I began to laugh . How could I never notice him before I've been coming here for almost a year ! 
" it's alright , I'm glad I was such entertainment to you for so long . Wanna sit on the grass watch the sky for a while get to know each other ?"  I was being bold bold
" yeah I'd like that Cmon !" Said the boy
We made our way to the diamond and I fell back on the grass , He did the same .

"So what's your name ?"
"Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez, but you can call me Benny ."
"Okay Benny ! I'm Diane ." I said with a chuckle
"Well it's nice to meet you Diane ."
"You too Benny , so you play ball?"
Bennys face lit up and not from the moonlight this time .
"Yeah I have been playing since I was 5 ."
"Wow that's a long time I've only been playing since I was 9."
"How old are you now ? Oh my god I'm sorry I sound like such a stalker I'm sor-"
I started to laugh "it's alright Benny we're friends now don't worry , I'm 14 ."
"Oh okay good , me too I turn 15 in October though ." It was currently July .
" I turn 15 in November ."

"So Benny tell me what's got you so invested in baseball ?"
"Uh well my dad taught me , he and I would play every night in my backyard after supper ."
" oh if you don't mind me asking what happened?" His smile slowly faded
"Well when I was 11 he was diagnosed with cancer and that year he passed . That's why I'm here he told me he'd always be in the stars watching me and waiting for me if I ever missed him ."
"Wow I'm so sorry for your loss but he's in a good place right , and you'll always have apart of him in you." He gave me a puzzled expression .
"Baseball , even if you stop playing you always have the memories you shared with him while he taught you ."  His lips curled and his hazel eyes sparkled as they looked into mine .
"You're right Diane , thanks ."

I smiled at him and continued to look at the sky I watched as it slowly became brighter .
"Benny I have to get home , it was nice meeting you though ." I glanced at him and with the sky brighter you could see his features better his sharp jawline , roses cheeks and plump pink lips .
"Yeah me too , nice meeting you as well."
With that we ran in opposite directions .

Hi guys I hope you are enjoying the story so far . Again if you have any suggestions please comment . Don't forget to vote :)
- Elle <3. (1311 words)

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