"What's wrong? You look upset"

You looked down at his bed and so did he

"Omg are you ok?!"


You looked down at the floor

"I started my period"

He stood there

Then walked over to you and hugged you

"It's ok y/n, it's a easy fix"

You hugged him back still embarrassed

"Don't be embarrassed, it happens to every girl. Don't worry about it"

"I got it on your pants though"

You said pulling away from the hug

"I can get that out easy"

He went to his dresser and grabbed black sweatpants and a hoodie then handed it to you

"No I might stain that too"

"Please take it y/n. I want you to be comfortable. I don't care if you get anything on it"


You smile

You walk to your room to get underwear and your stuff

You didn't have much you needed to go to the store to get more pads and stuff

You walked in his room then to the bathroom

He was changing the sheets

"I'm sorry, I'll do that I feel bad"

"Dont!! Please"

You go in the bathroom then get changed

You walk back out with his sweatpants in your hand

"I'll take those"

"Are you sure"


He takes them from you

"Lye in my bed, I'll be up in a sec"

He goes downstairs so you get in his bed under the covers

A little but after he comes back in with a big bowl

He dumped it infront of you and it had a bunch of chocolate and candy

He pulled a heating pad and Advil in his pocket Too

"Omg Vinnie"

He hopped in bed beside you then turned on the tv

"I brought it up because 60 percent I care about you.. and the other 40 I just really want to eat all this stuff"

You laugh and he turns on the show

You cuddle with him and he puts the heating pack on your stomach

You both eat and watch the show all day


You laugh and talk

Eat and watch the show

With nobody bothering

Just you and Vinnie

Having lots of fun together

"Thank you Vinnie"

It was now around dinner time

"Your welcome, I do think we should go to dinner though"


He got up putting his hand out for you to grab

Home in a person (Vinnie hacker love story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu