Fight of the Century: part 1

Start from the beginning

Emily's POV

I was pissed. Hanna told me Ali wasn't in her 6th period and I felt stupid for not knowing, but I was also terrified. What if Ali ran away again? I called her cell on my way over to her house. "Hey Em..." I was too mad to let her finish. "Why didn't you tell me you were leaving early?" I could hear her hesitate before answering me. "How did you find out?" I could tell she was about to cry but that didn't stop me from being angry with her. "I was supposed to take you home remember? When I couldn't find you I ask Hanna, she said you weren't in 6th period." I was trying not to yell at her but it was so frustrated with her. I told her to text me if she needed me but instead she did what she was best at, she ran. "I was scared Em. I couldn't stay there. I didn't feel safe." I felt a little bad for thinking that she was best at running away. I didn't realize she was scared. I just thought she ran away again and left me to fill in the details. "Why didn't you tell me you felt unsafe?" I was hurt that she didn't even think to text me. "Please come over?" I could her that she was vulnerable.

"I can't" Was all I said to her as I drove past her house and continued on to Paige's. "Why?..." I could tell I hurt her feelings. I didn't mean to but I didn't want her to stop me from what I was about to do. As I pulled up to Paige's I answered her question. "I have something to do." And with that I got out of my car and headed towards Paige's door. "Where are you?" I could tell she was scared. I had to tell her, I didn't want to but I can't keep things from her. "Paige's" Was all I said as I walked up the stairs to the front door. "Emily! Don't" I could hear the fear in her voice but I was determined to make Paige pay. "I gotta go." And then I hung up the phone so she couldn't talk me out of what I was about to do.

When I knocked on the door and it opened Paige frooze. "Hello Paige." She scrambled backwards as I entered her house. "H-Hello Emily." She was sacred, perfect. "Who the hell do you think you are? What makes you think you have the right to talk to my girlfriend like that?" I was screaming in her face and I could see the fear in her eyes. "She's not who you think she is Emily. Before she ran away, or was abducted, or whatever her story is these days she came to talk to me." I didn't believe her. I knew Paige was going to try to take me back in anyway possible. "You're lying Paige. She hates you why would she talk to you?" I saw Paige's eyes smile as she told me. "Alison told me that you were in love with her. She told me that when the time came and you came out, I was to pretend to fell in love with you. I was to make you forget her so you could move on. She picked me because she knew we were on the swim together. She wanted me to mess with your heart Emily. She's not a nice person." I wasn't even mad. Was this Paige's big "secret" about Ali? The way she's telling it, it seemed to me like Ali was trying to mess with Paige's heart. I mustered out a laugh at my thoughts.

"What's so funny? She was playing you." At those words I turned and said the only thing I could think of that would hit her right where it hurt. "It's not my fault you can't bare to see me with Ali just because you're still in love with her." I felt Paige punch me and I fell straight to the floor. "Don't ever say that me! You know I hate her, she's a bitch! No one can ever love her. Well, actually, only someone as messed up as her could." I see Ali lean over me and then turn and punch Paige so hard she falls too. "Emily, you okay?" I hear Ali's beautiful voice and I immediately feel safe again. "I'm fine. I can't believe she actually punched me. I didn't know she had it in her." I muster out with a smile that hurt the entire right side of my face. Ali starts to help me up. "Come one. Let's go to my house." She says as I get to my feet.

When I looked over at Paige I saw she was out cold. "Damn Ali. You didn't have to hit so hard." I was only half serious but I realized it came out sounding more serious than I wanted. "Yes I did. She hurt you, more than once. No one hurts you. Not even me." I stopped Ali at the door. I didn't want her beating herself up about leaving me. "I don't care about her cheating on me anymore Ali. It's in the past. And I thought we were past this?" I could tell she was confused by my answer and I didn't know why. "Then why did you come over here?" I didn't even have to think about my answer. "She made you feel unsafe." I said as I started the car and headed for Ali's house.

I could tell the whole ride over that something was bothering Ali but I didn't want to force her to tell me. When we pull up to her house she asks me what was probably the thing bothering her. "What did you say to her that made her punch you?" I hesitated for a minute. I didn't want to piss Ali off by telling her what I had told Paige, but I had to tell her. "I told her that it's not my fault she can't bare to see me with you just because she's still in love with you. It probably wasn't my brightest moment." I giggled at her hoping she wouldn't be mad and pointed at my face. "Do you want some ice for that? It looks like it really hurts." I was happy she rolled right over the whole "In love with you" thing. I didn't want to tell that story. "That would be nice. Thank you."

When we get in the house Ali heads straight for the freezer as I sit on the couch. She kisses my check before laying the ice pack on my face. "Do you want to go upstairs so you will be more comfortable?" I loved her taking care of me, it felt nice. I smile at her and stand up. "I would love that." She takes my hand and leads me to her room. I watched her legs as we walked up the stairs. I layed down on the bed and saw Ali staring at me. "What are you looking at?" I was a little embarrassed. "Just the most beautiful woman in the world." I blushed. I loved when Ali complimented me. "Lay down with me?" I asked, desperate to feel her body. When she layed down I ran my right hand on her thigh and layed my left hand on her hip. When she fell asleep I watched her before giving in and falling asleep with her in my arms.

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