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Zhongli stood with his hands folded behind his back. He and Childe were standing out on a flat plain near the top of the mountain, away from the cave. "Your natural affinity lies with hydro," Zhongli stated. "Perhaps your beastly form is related to a water creature?" 

"Hm," Childe nodded, staring down at the mask. "Is it possible to change one's affinity?" 

"It is however the process is rather dangerous. Although, there is another method that is more uncommon." 

"What is that?" Childe asked, eager. 

"Sexual intercourse with the element's god. However, the god must be in their celestial form. Most gods refrain from this because anyone who knows of this method will know the truth about the human's relationship with the god. It can lead to many embarrassing situations." 

"That's quite...intimate," Childe covered his face with his hand but it was obvious his cheeks had turned pink. 

"Was there an element you wished to change to?" 

"Uhm," Childe scratched the side of his cheek. "Geo?" 

"Is that so?" Zhongli smiled softly. "I suppose that is possible for you then." 

"I'm not sure how I would ask Master Morax something like that." 

"But asking him to eat you is so much easier?" Zhongli chuckled. "In any case," he changed the subject, "is there a weapon you prefer?" Zhongli stomped on the ground and raised his arms, a pillar formed. He placed his hand on the center and it opened, revealing various finely crafted weapons. 

"I know how to use a sword and bow." 

"Very well," Zhongli grabbed a bow and a sword and tossed them to Childe. He grabbed a spear for himself. "The easiest way to get used to your element is to imbue a weapon with it." Zhongli ran his hand over the spear and it turned golden. "Geo solidifies things, reinforcing them, but can also create things," he gestured to the pillar. 

"What does hydro do then?" 

"That is not my area of expertise," Zhongli replied, apologetically. "However, water is changeable. Perhaps it also molds-" No sooner had he said that Childe created a small creature in his palm. 

"I think I'm getting it!" His face lit up with glee. 

"Very well," Zhongli pointed the spear at him. "Come at me then." 

"I would rather cum on you," Childe snickered, slinging the bow behind him and pointed the sword at Zhongli. 

"My, my, and here I thought you weren't fond of me." 

The two stepped forward and clashed weapons. Zhongli more practiced but Childe catching up swiftly. 

"I never said I wasn't fond of you," Childe's sword pressed against Zhongli's spear, the two gazing into each other's eyes. 

"But Morax is more appealing? Is that it?" 

"Don't take it so personally," Childe jumped back and pointed the sword at Zhongli again. "You're practically the sa-" Childe stopped himself and stared more carefully at Zhongli. 

Zhongli rushed forward while Childe's mind was elsewhere and Childe stumbled backward. Zhongli pressed the bar of the spear against Childe's neck, hovering above him on the ground. "It's bad to be distracted in a fight." 

"I thought we were practicing?" Childe gasped, shifting awkwardly under Zhongli. 

"I am helping you get accustomed to your element, yes," Zhongli stated. 

"Even though I don't have one of those amulet things? Is this even going to amount to anything?" 

"Childe," Zhongli leaned down and kissed him. "You have been blessed by a god multiple times," he stated, lips brushing against his cheek as he spoke. "That is more than enough magical energy for you to use your affinity." 

"You mean...Master Morax...doing things to me is a blessing?" 

"In a sense," Zhongli nodded. 

"Then, what about you?" Childe stared. "What happens when you do things to me?" he smirked. 

"That depends." 

"On what?" 

"On what you would like to happen to you," Zhongli grinned slightly. 

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