Chapter 2

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My uncle told me and only me the mission around midnight that night, This is all I was told:

"We are on a mission to find the missing page in this book. This page is very crucial as it contains the information and the Green Sea. However, the page is kept at the bottom of a chest within the Gravestone Cave. Gravestone Cave got its name because it is protected by the dead, the dead can attack us but we cannot do the same to them, as we cannot see them. And thanks to you we have a secret weapon. You can see them and another fun gift of yours is allowing others to see them, again, I will teach you later. This must be done carefully, though, otherwise you could release a curse on Vinchester. This curse will consume all in its path, turning everyone and everything to ash. This page will help lead to our overall goal, which at the moment is unimportant. Tomorrow Marinette will start training you in the ways of your gift. She has been studying everything about your gift since she was a freshman in highschool."

After he finished telling me the plan I got up to leave, as I was walking out the door I heard him say, "Goodnight, I love you, Captain Crystal."

"Night," I replied. Those were the last words I had spoken to him, he jumped into the sea later that night leaving me a compass, necklace, and the book. The book was titled: "The Seven Stones" I didn't want to open it yet. I was still processing everything happening to me in my life right now. I told Kai the whole plan later that morning, he was as confused as I was. Soon, Marinette began teaching me and it was a lot easier to do some of the things that I thought it was.

Horace slowly began to dislike me more and more every day, he overall just became a total bitch towards me. I just started to avoid him. Which was fairly easy, I think he was doing the same thing to me.

As we were nearing Alura, I noticed an English ship nearing us. As they got closer I noticed the flag, that's when I heard the Brie twins, Alex and Alexa, screaming. The flag was that of Debaro's, our worst enemy. This was my first battle as captain. I was the one who everyone came to for questions. Kai noticed my stress and quickly jumped in, that's when I gave them the role of being in charge of battle affairs. As we were planning our attack, I felt a shake, we've been hit. I heard someone yell for help. The only person who wasn't at the meeting, Horace. I ran to go help him. As much as I despised him, I wouldn't let him die. A grabbed his arm and pulled him to safety, that was when I finally gained his respect.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned to see the general of the Derbarian army. He winked and stabbed me in the chest. It took a few seconds for the pain to actually kick in, I felt the adrenaline rushing through my body and I felt hot. All I could feel was the burning and my heart speeding. I started to get dizzy and cold. Everything was fading to black. All feelings faded, I felt nothing. I heard Kai scream in the background. 

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