Reiji's POV+Flashbacks

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I walk into my house barely saying a word to my family as I head down to the basement. I like it down there it has a weird nostalgic smell and comforts me when I feel sad.

I hear footsteps tiptoe down the stairs and groan

"go away"

The footsteps don't halt at all and my dad shows up sitting next to me

My eyes water and tears that I didn't know I still had started flowing out of me

"oh baby," my dad says holding me tightly in his arms

"hush hushhh it's okay I understand"

I shake my head while trying to speak through my tears "I did something bad daddy it's all my fault"

My dad rubs my back "no don't say that we all make mistakes"

"you don't understand dad I-I hurt him"

my dad caresses my cheek with his hand just like he always has "I don't know much about your situation but Ill tell you a story when I was in high school your papa the most beautiful man in the world was once the boyfriend of Terushima Yuji"

I wiped my tears a bit "whatt papa and Mr.Yuji dated "

My dad nodded his head "Well as you may have guessed already  I hated this because I loved your papa but at that time your papa had sent me many signals he liked me but I never took them I always assumed he was joking so you papa slowly lost feelings for me. When I realized I had feelings for him it was already too late he liked terushima now, One day when terushima and Yamaguchi were on a date I planted fake cheating messages in Yamaguchi's phone"

"you did what?"

My dad shrugged a bit "yeah I know, but the point is at the moment yams was very mad at Yuji for believing he would cheat and breaking up with him. Yams, your papa came to me for comfort but I felt so guilty that yams was only relying on me because I had sabotaged his relationship and told him what I had done. When I told him he was furious and he and Yuji got back together. Yamaguchi forgave me of course but forbid me from ever doing something like that again and if I did he would cut me off forever, a couple of years later teru and yams broke up because yams realized something and so did teru. They liked each other a lot but they didn't love each other. You can probably guess by who they are married to who they loved, anyway, the point is when I hurt yams relationship I also hurt yams in the process, and even though it hurt me to see yams be happy with someone else, I waited and loved him regardless whether he was with me  or someone else and somehow, In the end, everything worked out and I became happy"

"what are you trying to say"

he took a deep breath "I don't know who you hurt or why, but you should try to fix your mistake because the truth will get out somehow. Either that or the guilt will eat you alive"

I bit my lip "I just cant"

"reiji sweety" I scooch away from him on the couch

"dad we are not the same I cant-I can't lose him"

My dad touches one of his blond locks rubbing it in between his fingers the way he does when he's thinking

"I don't know this boy but if he's good enough to get you to love him I don't think he will let you get lost"

"the hell does that mean"I squeeze my fist ready to hit whatever is closest at any moment

"none of you get it at all he means everything to me, I can't let him go, I won't let him go, I won't hand him over he means too much to me"

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