Chapter 15: Hero names

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Aizawa: It's not my forte. The name you give yourself is important. It helps reinforce your image and shows what kind of hero you want to be in the future. A codename tells people exactly what you represent. Take all might for example.
Everyone started passing down white boards and started writing Mashirao was about to give Y/N one.

Midnight: Hold it.
Midnight points at Y/N.

Y/N: Um me?

Midnight: Yes. Before you start writing your name I got a note from a very special friend he wants you to read it.
Midnight took out and envelope Y/N got up and took it and sat back down to his seat he opens it and reads it.

Hello Y/N this I wanted to give you this note and tell you how proud I am. For some odd reason I hade sensed you were the one and I was right. You showed amazing strength heart and spirit and I am so glade to have you to be my student. You showed everyone how strong you are so Y/N Todoroki I want you to take my name Lucario as your Codename.

From Lucario.
Y/N smiled and started writing Lucario as his code name. Everyone went up to present there codenames the most surprising was Izuku's because of how much he used to hate that name but finally it was Y/N turn he walked up in front of the class.

Y/N: (Sighs) I know this is going to be strange for you guys but I do have a good explanation.
Y/N turns his board to show what he wrote.

Students: Lucario!?

Tsuyu: Isn't that name of the hero who died protected your homeless shelter?

Rikido: Yeah. Now I'm interested.

Y/N: Well you see Lucario was my teacher.
Everyone eyes widened as there jaws hit the floor.


Y/N: Yeah I know. For the longest time I thought I was quirkless. Everyone of my family members hade a quirk except for me and that made a very difficult childhood. Especially dealing with bullies and my father.
Everyone started to feel bad for Y/N.

Y/N: But I hade people who helped me through tuff times that was my mother and my siblings.
Shoto smiled hearing this.

Y/N: But there was a hero who I looked up too just like Eijiro and that was Lucario. He always inspired me to try and help people in need. And that's when the feast center was made. But years later I find out that I have a quirk and it was like his but I hade no control at the time. But then Lucario came and helped me learn how to use my quirk sense we hade the same one. He saw potential in me and taught me his ways how to use aura how to fight and how to be a hero. But then that villain attack and killed him and well you know the rest. Want my name to be Lucario to honor the hero I looked up to. Who practically became the father I never hade.
Y/N looked up and saw that everyone hade a big smile and Eijiro was on the verge of tears.

Eijiro: That (Sniffs) Is so (Sniffs) Manly!

Midnight: Even I shedded a few tears.

Denki: Yeah you should definitely take it you earned it after the sports festival after all.

Fumikage: Agreed. If I was your teacher I would be more then happy for you to use my codename.
Y/N started to tear up then wipes them away.

 The power of Aura ( My hero academia x male  Lucario reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz