Chapter 1

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A harmony of silence flew through the air; it was haunting, almost deafening. It was the remains of the once bustling house that was so lively hours prior. Yet since the struck of midnight, the house slept, soundly. All except one, Caomh. His eyes were strained and tired as he stared up at his dark ceiling, his eyes long adjusted to the shadows of his room. It wasn't as if he was insomniac and couldn't sleep, it was because he wouldn't. The dreams that plagued him were too real. They were almost as if they were memories.

For the moon never beams without bringing him dreams....

It was a reoccurring pattern of the same exact thing, he would fall asleep only to be brought to this beautiful kingdom by the sea.

The sky, cloudy, unlively, gray, and dark. It clashed greatly with its opposite, the lively, angry, up-roaring ocean that crashed upon the jagged cliff rocks below. Caomh stood at the edge of the cliff and stared until the two met one another in the horizon. The sounds, although loud, were peaceful. Seagulls swooped ahead, their cries becoming an orchestra with the loud waves that mocked thunder. Cold winds blew from every direction, with it they brought the salty air that swamped Caomh's senses. A storm was coming, and oddly, Caomh was excited.

"Annabel!" A man's voice shouted, disrupting the peace of Caomh's Utopia. Caomh turned around slowly to stare at the beautiful man that ran towards him. His mouth, twisted in worry and relief, and his green eyes that glittered, a bright contrast to the dull gray sky as  background.

"How did I know that I would find you here? It is about to storm, come inside, you might catch your death," He panted, after catching up to me, gesturing towards the beautiful, looming house on the cliffside. Caomh stared at him, mesmerized and slightly confused as to why this man made his heart beat erratically. Why his voice set him on fire and his attraction to him was so strong.

"Lucian, how you know I hate being trapped inside all day, especially when the thrill of a storm is at our fingertips," He replied, only it wasn't his voice, it was her. Caomh, or Annabel's voice was delicate, feminine, and lovely. His body moved at its own accord and he could do nothing as he-or Annabel-wrapped her arms around Lucian and laced her fingertips in his obsidian black hair. Her  body pressed up upon Lucian, snugly, his hard planes met her soft, womanly curves. Lucian's rough, calloused hands knotted themselves in Annabel's silky blonde tresses.

"You're insane, you know that, Ms. Annabel Lee?" He murmured, his face inching towards thiers.

"Why, it takes one to know one. Besides, you love it," she muttered back. His laugh resounded through the air until it was silenced with a kiss.

Every. Single. Night. A new dream. A new scene of the beautiful Annabel Lee and Lucian living their lives in the kingdom by the sea. It was bad enough that Caomh was a woman in all the dreams, but to be attracted to Lucian....That was too far. He wasn't gay. Women were gorgeous, mysterious, creatures. To not be attracted to them was unfathomable. Yet every time the thought of Lucian came to mind, his mind blanked, his palms got sweaty, his stomached dropped. He was acting like a school girl with a crush, all logical thoughts flew out into oblivion. Surely if his friends found out queer jokes would be non-stop and relentless.

Since his seventeenth birthday, the dreams found their place to haunt him. He tried everything to rid them, from what used to be a peaceful oasis. Even prescription drugs didn't take away the "night terrors". It was ruining his life.The dreams made him distant and secretive. He withdrew from his family and friends. Six months of the never ending torture, and Caomh didn't know how much he could endure.

From much research (on Google), it was apparently  his subconscience's way of telling him something important. However, he had no idea how being a woman from so long ago had any relevance to him, whatsoever. He also highly doubted that it was his minds way of telling him he wanted to be a drag queen. So he was stuck being ignorant, delving over things that may have little significance to the bigger picture.

His eyes got heavier and heavier with each calming breathe he took. It wasn't long until he swept into another dream. Except this time, it was different.

The moon's eerie glow cascaded over the familiar land of the kingdom by the sea. The sky, starless, dark, and dreary. The robust salty air mixed with something different...a depressing, sad aura. The old familiar sound of the waves crashing upon jagged rocks was replaced with a sad symphony. The lively ocean was mourning. Mixed with the sound of the waves softly licking the shore was the painful weeping of a man in grieving.Or in this case, Lucian.

Their were no words he spoke. His face screwed up in agony as expressed his pain, his tears sliding down his face, hitting a formation that Caomh didn't recognize from his other dreams. Only then did he realize that Lucian didn't greet him warmly like he did in the other dreams. Lucian didn't seem to notice him at all.

Caomh stepped closer, but Lucian didn't give him any indication that he acknowledged his presence. Caomh felt hollow.

"Lucian?" He whispered softly, or in this case, Annabel. Lucian didn't move. Caomh glided over towards him and only then did he realize what happened. The biggest feeling of despair struck him.

Here lies the beautiful

Annabel Lee

Written in stone, was the twisted cruel words of fate. The tragic ending to a beautiful love story that was supposed to live on, forever. Caomh thought he would've found relief in the end, so he could finally live his life, but all he felt was despair. Caomh looked down at Lucian. The beautiful glittering eyes he admired were dull and flat, like his raven hair that hung limply at the sides of his head. His once olive complexion was pale as a corpse. His mouth, normally smiling, seemed to forget how to do so. Annabel Lee may have been the one to die, but it seemed as if she took his soul with her, as well.
"We will be together again, one day, my bride," Lucien's voice whispered, hoarse.

It was then that Caomh woke up. Back in his bed at home, and not by the sepulchre, at the kingdom by the sea.

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