Chapter Three

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They have nothing to worry about though. Nico is the most confidant person I know.

"Thanks for letting me stay here, Nic." I take another sip of coffee, swallowing the four Tylenol with it. "And for last night. I wouldn't have been able to sleep without you, and we both know what I'm like when I don't get enough sleep."

"Oh, I'm aware. I didn't call you Cruella De Vil in college because of that faux fur coat you tried to pass as real," he teases. "But you don't need to thank me, sprout. I always want you here. You can stay as long as you want."

Nico's heart is one of the kindest I've ever known, and I appreciate him more than I'll ever be able to express. I always have. I know if it comes down to it, he'll let me move in, but I'm secretly hoping I'll only be here for a few days.

That ninety percent statistic Nico heard about may be true after all.

"Thanks," I say, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Where's your head at, Del?"

"I don't know. "I try to run my fingers through my hair, but I never brushed it when I got out of the shower last night. So instead of the soft, silky strands I'm used to, my blonde hair is knotty and matted to my head. Between my bloodshot eyes and tangled hair, I don't have to see my reflection to know I look strung out. "I still feel like this is all a bad dream."

"Well, unfortunately, it's not. This is real life. So, as your very best friend, I need to ask..." He wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me against him and rests his cheek on top of my head. "What are you gonna do?"

"I – um...I talked to my parents yesterday while I was on my way here, and they suggested I go home for a bit. At least until Will and I figure out what's next. Depending on what we decide, I might go. At least for a few days so I can catch my breath."



"To North Carolina?" he asks, pulling away from me.

"Yeah. To North Carolina."

I haven't been home in ten years. Not since...he broke my heart. I've been able to avoid my hometown, and all the memories it holds. I used work as an excuse as to why I couldn't go home for holidays and birthdays, and after a while, my parents stopped asking.

"Well, what can I say?" Nico tilts his head and smirks. "Yeehaw!"

When I told Nico I planned on going to go North Carolina to catch my breath, I meant it, but after a few days I realized I wasn't quite ready to leave New York. Not to mention I hadn't heard from Will since the day he told me he needed space, leaving the fate of our marriage up in the air. Needless to say, I had loose ends that needed to be tied up that I was avoiding like a twenty-four-hour stomach bug. So, I gave myself more time and decided to use it to get my life in order.

As much as I could anyway.

First, I called my parents to let them know I'd decided to take them up on their offer and go home for a few weeks. Although she's heartbroken for me, my mother is thrilled at the idea of having me home. Then, I had to tell Calvin that I was having some personal issues and because of that, I couldn't put my focus on the article, and that it would be in his best interest to give the opportunity to someone else. He was shocked and told me he was disappointed in me, but he appreciated my honesty. He hugged me and said if I need to talk, I can call him. I want to believe he's sincere, but I can't help and take his kindness with a grain of salt, because as he wrapped his arms around me, he grabbed my ass in the process. Something I'm unfortunately numb to at this point.

Will hasn't answered his phone or called me back. I've tried to get in contact with him several times to see if he was ready to talk about us and to let him know I'd decided to go home for a bit, but all my attempts have gone unanswered. So, my only other option besides storming into his office and risk looking like a lunatic was to text him – which I did. He left me on read, but never texted back, and the pieces of my heart time had begun to repair broke all over again.

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