Ritsuka Uenoyama

303 8 0

- word count: 933


Morning already? You thought as you turned off your phone alarm.

Laying in bed you try to remember what happened last night while staring at your bland ceiling. Oh yeah! You were up late helping your friend, Mafuyu, think up some lyrics for his upcoming song.

Getting up, you let out another yawn. Time to start the day and get to school. But before that...

You turned on your phone and opened up messages.

Ritsu-kun <3
Two days ago

Heyy! I see youre online
It's 2 am...
Get to sleep bozo
I get that it's sunday tomorrow but... still


Are you okay?
You haven't answered
Are you just ignoring me? ._.

You sighed. He still hasn't answered your texts. Maybe he just had plans over the weekend?

Ritsu-kun <3

Good morning!
Everything okay?

Maybe he's still asleep? Oh well, you'll worry about it later. School's still a thing.

. . .

1 hour later

You're at school, standing by the entrance. The bell signaling 'get to your class' rings in fifteen minutes. You were waiting for Uenoyama to show up. Since you guys had the same class you'd walk to class together.

5 minutes later

You're done waiting for him, you'll be late for your class.

Just as you turn to go to class you hear quick footsteps and a thud after. You flip your head back to the source of the sound.


. . .

Run, run, RUN.

Ugh, why'd I have to sleep in! I've been sleeping all weekend for god's sake! Don't you think I've got enough sleep?

I can see the school entrance! I'm almost there!!

Suddenly I feel a wave of dizziness wash over.

I can see (Y/n) who was waiting for me turn around. Wait! Wait for me, I think.

Just before I can say their name my vision goes downward.


. . .

You run over to Uenoyama's laying body. You look around. No one. . .

Gotta bring him to the nurse!

You try lifting him. No luck.

You could get someone else to carry him but most everyone has gone to class.

Left with no other options, you chose to drag his body the to nurse's office.

. . .

Halfway there he churned awake.

"Mm. . ." he mumbled. Blinking a few times, his gaze follows his arm, to your hand, to your face.

"Eh?! (Y/n)?" He shouts. "Shh!" You shush as he looks around. "We're not going in the direction of our class. ."

You roll your eyes, "duh, we're taking you to the school nurse." His eyes widen.

"What? No! I don't need to go!" He stumbles up to stand and shakes off your hand. You cross your arms. "You gotta! You literally fainted!"

"What? No, I- didn't. . ." he pauses, only now realizing what happened. He shook his head. "Fine, but I can get there by myself just fine!"

He tried walking past you, but instead, his body opted to fall over.

Before he could hit the ground, you shoved your own body in the space between him and the ground, softening his fall. His face landed between your breasts. . .

You opened your shut eyes. "Hey hey, you okay?"

Once he realized where his head was he stumbled up, only to fall back down onto his bum.

"S-sorry! Please forgive me!" He shouted as you sat up and rubbed your head.

"I'll forgive you if you let me bring you to the nurse." You stated, getting up and dusting yourself off.

He sighed. He couldn't walk on his own. Guess he has to go with it. "Fine. ."

You let out a happy sigh as you pulled him up onto his feet. You then took his arm and lugged it over your shoulder and around your neck.

Only now do you realize how warm he is. You press the back of your hand to his forehead. "Ah!" He looks over to you with lidded and curious eyes.

"Gosh, you're burning up!" You tell him and he puts his own hand to his forehead before slowly nodding.

"We gotta get you to the nurse quick! You could just have a fever though. . ."

"That could explain the oversleeping," Uenoyama put his other hand to his mouth as he yawned.

As you guys walk to the nurse, he leans his head onto your shoulder, struggling to keep conscious.

. . .

You guys get to the nurse's office. You peek in through the door. No one. . .

You slowly maneuver your body and Uenoyama's inside. "Mmm. . ." he murmured. You look at him, he seems half asleep so you guide him to the nurse bed.

As he gets on the bed you look for someone. You then realize a note on the desk.

It read:

Out for a meeting.

I'll be back at around 9 o clock!

You sigh. "Hey, Uenoyama! They're out for a meeting," you say, turning to him. "They'll be back at-" you stop as you see that he's dead asleep. Chuckling, you move the nurse's stool to next to his bed.

You smile a bit as you watch his chest move up and down with his breathing. Laying your head down on your crossed arms on the bed, you dose off into a dreamless nap.

Hope you liked it! It's my first one-shot so I hope it turned out good enough for you!

Though, I don't know if I made it long enough since I'm not sure what the average length is. . .

If there are any mistakes just tell me and I'll try my best to correct them! I'm open to criticism and any suggestions, too!

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