Prompts (2) - OPEN!

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1. "Do you have, like... Any functioning brain cells?"
2. "I didn't mean to, but like, I did."
3. "So, basically... I'd let you strangle me and then I'd say thank you."
4. "Please don't do that.", "What was that? I should do it?"
5. "I love how supportive you are of my bad decisions."
6. "Hmm! There's really nothing quite like being kidnapped, am I right?"
7. "Don't make me stab you."
8. "I'll kill you! I will!", "You cry when you see a spider. Am I really supposed to believe you?"
9. "I could take him. No doubt.", "You should have lots of doubt, to be quite honest."
10. "I feel like you never listen me...", "...Huh?"
11. "Don't make me say it again!"
12. "Over my dead body!", "That can be arranged."
13. "Damn. They dead dead."
14. "Can only virgins see this stuff? Is that why I'm not seeing this shit?"
15. "I'd rather go on a date with your dad."
16. "I won't lie and say you don't have DILF/MILF potential."
17. "Ugh, some idiot is picking a fight with ___ again." ... "Oh shit! That's my idiot!"
18. "Do you have a death wish? 'Cause I feel like you have a death wish!"
19. "Mentally stability? Never met her."
20. "Hey-", "Nope. Go ask ___."
21. "Well unfortunately I don't make it a habit of associating myself with murderers."
22. "Got any kinks? You seem kinky, I don't know. You just have the vibe."
23. "Interrupt me again and I'll make sure you spend the entire night gagging on my-", "Oh man, would you look at the time! Oh crap, did I interrupt you?"
24. "You remind me of a golden retriever on crack."
25. "You don't happen to be a coke addict, do you?"
26. "So I've been thinking-", "I already don't like where this is headed."
27. "I didn't want to have to do this. Not to you."
28. "You've always had a choice, you just chose the wrong one."
29. "I have an idea, but it's worse than ___'s.", "Is that even possible?"
30. "Can you just kiss me already? Shit."
31. "What's on your life bucket list?", "I'm not really sure. Fucking you is definitely top five though."
32. "Just trying to diffuse the tension!"
33. "My spidey senses are tingling.", "It's probably an STD."
34. "I hope ___ falls off a cliff and dies.", "I'm right here?"
35. "Are you implying that I have to be sober for this? Pft, then I'm out."
36. "Snitches get stitches.", "You literally told ____ on me for eating your bag of skittles."
37. "Is that really important right now?"
38. "This definitely didn't happen when I went over this whole scenario in my head before I got here."
39. "Road head?"
40. "You have nice thighs."
41. "Too stressed to be depressed!", "That definitely should not be your life motto."
42. "I don't like seaweed.", "It's literally wet grass."
43. "Yeah, but not really though."
44. "You owe me cuddles."
45. "Can I ask you a favor?" ... "Let me fuck your face."
46. "Can you just flex your muscles for me really quick?"
47. "Well, for the most part, yes, but I don't think we should ignore the knife in my leg for too much longer."
48. "Do you think he'd survive if I were to tase him?"
49. "Where did you even get that from?"
50. "I won't lie, that does sound like something I'd do.
51. "I can't force myself to love you!"
52. "I don't forgive, and I don't forget."
53. "Yeah, sure, get comfortable.", "I will."
54. "All bark, no bite."
55. "You talk a good game, let's see if you can back it up."
56. "You're at a ten, and I'm gonna need you to bring that to a two."
57. "I'm not saying you should but I'm also not saying I'll stop you."
58. "I feel very strongly that I have no business here."
59. "You're the fakest best friend to ever exist.", "I didn't know the KitKat was yours!"
60. "I'd let you hold a gun to my head while you hit it from the back."
61. "I think I need an inhaler from all this running from the cops we've been doing."
62. "Are they drunk?"
63. "I'd just like to go on the record and say I did NOT consent to this!" [nonsexual]
64. "Stop acting like a slut before I fuck you in front of all my friends."
65. "I'm chopping my tits off, I swear to god!"
66. "I think we should definitely consider reevaluating the situation.", "It's a little too late for that!"
67. "Why didn't you say that sooner?!"
68. "I want a child.", "And ___ is officially cut off from the alc!"
69. "That was definitely a hate crime. I hated it!", "I feel like you don't know what that really means."
70. "We need to help them!", "Just let natural selection take its course! They pissed me off yesterday, anyways."
71. "That was an unfortunate case of collateral damage."
72. "If you wanna fuck me, then just say that."
73. "You absolutely radiate BDE."
74. "I'm so done with your bullshit!"
75. "Can you at least act like you know what you're doing?"
76. "Uh... The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell?", "We're in Spanish."
77. "I'd let ___ kill me for that dick."
78. "No! No more hoodies. I only have one left, dammit!"
79. "If you really loved me, you'd buy me a baby duck."
80. "You are breathing so obnoxiously loud right now."
81. "No thanks, I choose life."
82. "Do you shoot people often?"
83. "So who doesn't have a gun on the island at this point?"
84. "Can I braid your hair?"
85. "___ could murder me, and I'd apologize. Like, honestly, you caught me lacking. That's on me."
86. "I'm considering the pros and cons of grand arson right now.", "I find it hard to believe you have many pros."
87. "I think I broke my ass."
88. "Go on. Make me proud."
89. "Dudes/Girls ain't shit."
90. "This definitely wasn't the worst possible outcome."
91. "How are you even conscious right now?"
92. "You have to let me go.", "You're actually not funny. Who even gave you superglue in the first place?"
93. "I'm just wondering who encourage this behavior?", "You did."
94. "That's my girl!"
95. "This definitely could've been executed a lot better than it was."
96. "I'm stealthy, like a ninja."
96. "I'm so fucking hard right now."
98. "You should do that more often."
99. "God I wish that you had thought this through, before I went and fell in love with you!", "When he/she's sleeping in the bed we made, don't you dare forget about the way you betrayed me!"
100. "Stop biting me!"

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