Just a Little Info

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Hey hey hey! Guys, can I just say that Season 2 was ... I can't even explain it, honestly. Just SO good. Everyone's character development and execution was amazing. With all this being said, I just came here to say that requests are currently OPEN! Please DM me with your requests from now on- I have over 100 comments on my prompt list page and it's really hard to keep track of the requests you guys are asking for through the comments!

I'm going to post a new, updated, prompt list shortly. It'll include entirely brand new prompts
that I'll be adding, that I think will make for better stories for you guys and cater more towards the vibe and storyline of Season 2. Even so, feel free to continue to use the prompts from my very first chapter in this book, just make sure you specify which prompt list it's from by using (1) or (2) after the prompt number!

Also, if your DMs do not work, which I know it doesn't for some people occasionally- feel free to leave your request in the comments of the NEW PROMPT PAGE! I can unfortunately 99.99% guarantee it'll get lost in the old one.

As you guys know, I'm pretty much open to writing anything! I don't do smut, so please don't ask- Sorry. Anything else I am 110% open to! Even if you think your request is a little hard to understand, just DM me and we'll figure it out, I want all of your requests to come to life just the way you ask!

If your request includes something that will require a TW (trigger warning) at the beginning of any chapter, that will be the very first thing you'll see on the page. Please remember be respectful and mindful of your comments!

And as always, if you requested something from me and it's taking awhile, feel free to DM me again and pressure me into finishing it 😭 I get so sidetracked sometimes and just need a reminder!

I'll be updating my book description as well, as soon as this is posted, so make sure to go read that to see any changes made that might influence your requests!


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