The File of SCP-14828

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Item #: SCP-14828

Containment Procedures:
SCP-14828 is contained within a Standard Secure Humanoid Containment Cell in Research Sector-03 at Site-17. Normally SCP-14828 is cooperative with the people who Research them. SCP-14828 is allowed outside of their containment cell for a certain amount of time. When outside their cell they are to be monitored at all times in case of any attempts of escaping.

SCP-14828 appears to be around 7-8 years of age. Its gender is unknown. They have a fully skeletal functional body. They wear a mask covering their eyes. The right corner of their eye has a burn mark that creeps out from underneath the mask. They appear to be wearing a light grey sweater with a few stains from running around and black loose fitting jeans with a few holes in them. They have claws that peak out of the sweater they wear. They speak little English but enough to understand them.

They are allowed to see other SCP's that are in the safe class but not directly. SCP-14828 has an adventurous personality and despite the limitations the site has, they always like to explore the places they're allowed to wander to.

SCP-14828 still shows signs of hesitancy and/or fear of the facility. Due to these signs they talked with Dr. Simon Glass, he is the head of Psychology in the foundation and a psychologist. SCP-14828 also shows many signs of human emotion but is prone to serious mood swings that make containing SCP-14828 more difficult. Though SCP-14828 does not wish to harm anyone in the site, when mood swings do occur they are gradual giving SCP-14828 time to retreat back to their contained cell to wait it out.

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