One: Curiosity killed the cat

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I'm sat on the black leather couch in my lounge attempting to find something interesting to watch since I'm stuck at my fathers boring party. He throws them all the time and always makes me attend every fucking one even though he knows I think they're pointless, nothing interesting ever happens here. Just as I'm about to throw the remote to my side I flick to the news with a shakey video of the Joker holding a gun to the presidents head and laughing manically before squeezing the trigger as the footage stops. I unknowingly wriggle to the edge of my seat, eager to see more of what happened until slumping back into boredom when the topic changes again.

No one but me seems to hear the quiet shuffling of feet in the hall to my left, obviously all too caught up in their mundane little lives, so I innocently look around for my father and slip out the room just before he turns around.

Taking no measures of caution, I casually walk to the room with all the commotion to find a door I never knew existed. It looked like it belonged perfectly yet I had never noticed it before, shrugging my sholders I opened it up and stepped inside to find an empty room. Completely empty. Nothing in it other than a little yellow post-it note on the far wall. Walking quickly over to it I scanned the writing with heavily furrowed brows.

Hiya Batsy!

Batsy? who the fuck is Bat-- Batman? "Yeah right, because batman's at my dads party, how dumb do they think I am." I mutter to myself, rolling my eyes and opening the door up again only to come face to face with a brick wall.

Fear suddenly sinking in, I slam the door shut and open it again, still looking straight into red bricks. I repeat the action, again and again and again until my chest tightens; my breaths coming ragged and shallow and tears prick my eyes. I pound my fist into the fresh wall with as much force as I can screaming "Let me out. This isn't funny!" Then I pound again and again, harder and harder untill my hands are a bleeding, shaking mess - leaning against the wall with my knees to my chest.

Taking a deep breath, I run a crimson hand through my hair and try to create a plan of escape. I spring up with an idea and slip off my black heeled boots, adjusting my grip and slamming the heel into the wall repeatedly.

Nothing but a small mark - it must be solid brick.

Slumping back down to the floor I throw my shoe across the room in a small fit of rage and stare at it blankly. My ears prick at the very faint sound of men whispering outside my door and I stand up ready to attack whoever is entering. Luckily as a kid my dad sent me to self defence classes every week so I was just about ready for anything my kidnappers would throw at me.

"I don't give a shit just open the fucking door! I have a bat to kill!"

I swiftly ran to the side of the door and hid behind it just as it swung open, leaving a few seconds for my attackers to walk in the room before I slammed it shut and jumped on the man's back.

My hands flew to his mouth and neck to muffle his suprise and I placed the back of his head against my chest as I set my feet back down on the floor. Looking directly at the back of a green head I ready myself with a steady voice.

"Come any closer and I'll snap his neck!"

The green-haired man whipped his head around and an irritated glower covered his face for a milisecond before a silver-toothed smile flashed me. I couldn't move my eyes off of him, the grinning red lips begging me to smile too.

"Oh I couldn't care less about him doll. Do it." He hummed.

I pause for a second, not in hesitation but instead looking for another way out without becoming a murderer. But the Joker took my pause as fear, a sick glint in his eye as his smile grew and an erruption of whispers left his mouth, quickly turning to a violent shout. "Do it, do it, do it, do it, DO IT! Or are you too scared? Hmm?"

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