"That is truly terrible. I had one decent caller today, but he is only a Baron" Nicollette sighed and let her shoulders sag slightly. Daphne frowned at the way her friend said the word 'only'. 

"Only?" She couldn't help but ask. Daphne noticed the way Nicollette's shoulders tensed and her back straightened at the question. 

"Daphne, if I tell you this you must swear that you won't tell anyone." She whispered to the other girl. Daphne was quick to nod her head. Nicollette took a deep breath before she spoke "My father wished me to marry someone of high rank, who is wealthy, and well off. He will not care if I am in love with a man and wish to marry if that man is merely a Baron." Daphne wore a confused expression on her face. 

"I think your father just wants to make sure you are taken care of" Daphne spoke, but at the look, Nicollette gave her she knew she said the wrong thing. Nicollette took a deep breath as she tried to figure out how to explain her situation. 

"It goes beyond that, yes he wants that, but if my father had the chance to strike a marriage deal with a prince he would even if I was madly and happily in love with a Viscount. He does not care for my happiness." Nicollette looked sadly down at her hands as she spoke "He just wants a high-status daughter." Daphne took her friend's hand and squeezed it. 

"Well, hopefully, we can find you, someone, to fall madly and happily in love with," Daphne spoke to console Nicollette. Nicolette smiled at the chestnut-haired girl and hoped that they would. 

The two young Ladies were enthralled with the opera music and paid little attention to the three women behind them. "He is not what Lady Whistledown writes." Lady Danbury said she was of course speaking of her godson the Duke of Hastings. 

"Nor is Daphne." Lady Bridgerton was quick to put in. Julliette smiled at the two ladies and how easily they jumped to their loved one's defense. 

"It seems the two have that in common, matches have been made with far less." Lady Danbury spoke with a mischievous smile on her face. Violet Bridgerton turned and faced the older Countess. 

"What are you suggesting?" She asked innocently. Lady Danbury faced the Bridgerton Lady. 

"Lady Whistledown only writes what she sees, perhaps we need to help her see things a bit more clearly." Violet had a shocked expression on her face at the idea. "The Duke is quite fond of gooseberry pie." 

"The very dish my cook is renowned for." Lady Briderton spoke as she was catching on to Lady Danbury's plan. The two women looked at each other and let out small chuckles. Juliette watched the interaction and couldn't help, but smile at the women. 

"Nicollette is being forced to find a high-ranking match. Her father won't let her settle for anything less." Juliette sighed out and gained the attention of the two other women. Lady Danbury looked towards the young girl who was preoccupied to notice their conversation. 

"The poor girl, hopefully, she can find love in one." Lady Danbury spoke sympathetically. Lady Bridgerton nodded her head before she quickly thought of an idea. 

"Does Nicollette like gooseberry pie?" She asked with a similar smile as the one Lady Danbury wore earlier on her face. "And would a Viscount be suitable?" Juliette's face broke into a large grin at the thought, 

"She adores gooseberry pie, and I believe a Viscount with as much influence as your family has would be most suitable." She spoke and smile happily at the thought of her daughter one day being a Bridgerton. 

Nicollette and her mother were seated in one of the Arquette family carriages after the opera. Nicollette seemed to have a permanent smile on her face from the exciting night. Nicollette couldn't help but be blown away by the beautiful opera singers and their impressive voices. "It was a lovely performance, mama," Nicollette spoke excitedly. "I'm so glad we went. Daphne and I had a wonderful conversation." Nicollette was ecstatic at the idea of having someone other than her mother to confide in. Juliette smiled at her daughter and nodded her head,

"I had a lovely conversation with Lady Danbury and Violet Bridgerton as well," Juliette spoke as she eyed her daughter with a mischievous grin. "I have accepted an invitation to dinner at the Bridgerton household tomorrow night on your behalf." She told her daughter, gauging her reaction carefully. Nicollette didn't know what to think. She had only really conversed with Daphne and her mother, she did have a brief interaction with the Viscount, but that was it. Now she was supposed to attend a dinner with the entire Bridgerton household and couldn't help the nerves that arouse. 

"Tomorrow night?" She asked cautiously. Juliette nodded her head,

"Yes, tomorrow night. I was hoping you might be able to get acquainted with the Viscount." Juliette spoke as she tried to clue her daughter into the plan.

"The Viscount?!" Nicollette asked, shocked at the idea. Juliette had a small grin on her face. 

"Yes, my dear, the Viscount. His family is wealthy, influential, and his title is more than just a mere Baron." Nicollette didn't know how to respond to her mother, she was shocked at the information she was just given. 

"But what about father? Surely he will not let me settle for a Viscount?" Nicollette asked the question that both women had been thinking. Juliette sighed at the thought. 

"Yes, I have thought the very same thing. However, the Bridgerton's are one of the most influential families of the ton. They carry much more wait to the people of society than your father and I do even though our titles are higher. Your father could see that as beneficial and equal to a higher title." Juliette spoke hopeful that the words she spoke proved to be true. Nicollette couldn't help but feal excited, nervous, and curious all at the same time. Nicollette had read what Lady Whistledown had written about the mysterious Viscount and his rakish ways, but she couldn't help but wonder how such a rake came from such a wonderful family. 

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