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Post-apocalyptic Cannon Fodder Pampered Everyday Chapter 32:
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Text / Teak Tea Seven

Exclusively published by Jinjiang Literature City

She hasn't offended the male lead in any place recently, right? ?

Only when the male protagonist treats those who have offended him, his black heart will be revealed.

According to the normal way of thinking, when she asked if she could come to him again tomorrow, he should find any reason to perfuse her, otherwise it would be fine to refuse directly.

But why let her come early tomorrow and take her to kill the zombies? ?

This is completely different from what she thought! !

If she has a good relationship with him, it's fine. It can be said that there are other reasons, but judging from their current plastic sibling relationship, at this time, he took her to kill the zombies, no matter how bad intentions are. The feeling is in.

Thinking of the **** scene tomorrow, Ruan Xiaopian Ning couldn't help but start to shiver, but the male protagonist is still smiling so awkwardly that she dare not explicitly refuse.

Gu Yi took the coat next to him, personally sent Ruan Ning downstairs, and took over the errand of sending Ruan Ning back from Lin Yang.

Ruan Ning would definitely be very happy to have such a chance to get along with the male protagonist alone without saying the words to take her to kill the zombies.

But now, as long as she thinks about what might happen tomorrow, she feels numb on her scalp and her whole body is not well, she just wants to hurry away from the person around her.

After the eruption of the end times, the weather in city s began to become erratic, and the sky became darker and earlier.

It's 4:30 in the afternoon, and the safe zone is still daytime, but in less than half an hour, the sun that is still overhead will go down completely, and there will be no signs.

"Brother, do we have to go tomorrow?" Ruan Ning whispered, sounding very weak. If her voice were lower, she might not even be able to hear her.

"What? Ningning doesn't want to go with her brother?" Gu Yicheng looked at her, her deep eyes sinking, and her tone was unclear.

Ruan Ning's mind is keen, and he immediately recognized the danger in his tone, and now he dared not say the shaky thoughts.

At this time, how dare she refuse this big guy, she can only shook her head quickly, and said: "No, no, I don't want to be with my brother, I'm just a little afraid of those zombies..."

Okay, okay, can't she admit that she was counseled? ! Can you let her go! Zombies are really terrible QAQ

...... Is she really going to be reduced to the point where she takes an iron rod to blow the head of a zombie? But with her small body and small strength, she can't blow the zombie's head.

Ruan Ning knew that as long as she was still in the apocalypse, she would face this one day, but she had been protected too well for the past half a month, and now she suddenly had to go to close combat with the zombies. It really came to her. Said to be a big challenge.

Ruan Ning can't guarantee that tomorrow, after seeing those scenes of brain cracking and stumps flying around, he will have soft legs...If he acts too much, he will probably be rejected by others, right? ?

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