Chapter 1

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As I walked over to my spot Logan draped his arm over my shoulder. I took off my backpack and dropped it on the ground next to me. He still had his arm around me when we sat down so I rest my head on his shoulder. I pulled my legs up and wrapped my arms around them. The depression was taking over and the numbness was always there. I had been depressed off and on ever since I tried running away and the cops nearly arrested me.

I know what you're think 'wow what a trouble maker.' In reality it was for my own safety. The night before I tried to run away my mom threatened to slap me then turned the power off to my room when I blasted my music to calm down. I was trying not to punch her in the face but she didn't get that. I was so over how they always treated me like a little kid when I was 15.

When I tried to run away I had over $80 with me and a change of clothes. I was set, I could get more clothes if I needed. I went to school, like I usually did, then I found my friend Elizabeth and told her what happened. She told me that she wasn't going to let me go home.

At the end of school she came up to me and told me that her dad probably wouldn't let me stay, so I had to figure something else out. My friend Cassaundra was standing right there and told me that I could go home with her. So I did. When we got to her house we went on one of her Facebook's and I messaged my mom telling her that I was safe but needed a break and that I was staying with a friend. Apparently she literally didn't get the message. After Cassandra and I went to the store and back we were laying on her bed messing around on her laptop and I saw someone ride by her house on a bike then saw and heard my brothers car pass by. I was thinking 'oh shit'. I told her who the guy in the car was, and she already knew who my ex was.

I was freaking out but she was used to lying, so when they knocked on the door she lied her butt off for me. They told her that Elizabeth had said I was there. She told them that I had talked to her earlier and said I was going to Elizabeth's house so check there. She was awesome for doing that for me. When she came in we quickly went to her dads room which was at the back of the house and hid. She went and looked out front and they were still there sitting on the hood of my brothers car. My brother was talking on his phone and my ex was crying. I was trying not to laugh because I had broken up with him about a week ago and he was 18. I know it's mean to laugh at people but get real he's 18!

After they left we got ready to go to her youth group. When we got to the church we messed around for a little bit then two cops walked in followed by my mother. All I could think was 'well I'm screwed'. They got me and took me outside the church and talked to me and said that if I wouldn't go home willingly they would arrest me. I didn't want to go home but I didn't want to go to jail either. I didn't understand why the cop didn't care about my well-being. I finally broke down and went home. I went straight up to my room and cried. My mom wouldn't let me go to school the next day.

I get your probably thinking 'wow such a big ordeal over your mom threatening to slap you' but the thing is I was a teenager I overreact to a lot and try to break away from my parents like every other teenager. Something about all of that set off my depression. I still don't understand why but it did.

Now, after going through a rough break up, it's getting worse and I don't think anything can really stop it. Logan was the only one I even let know that I was depressed. The rest of my close friends guessed but I would never confirm weather they were right or not. That's part of why I was ok with Logan following me and making sure I was ok. I knew I needed to reach out to someone and I felt like he was the best person to reach out to for some reason.

We sat together for a few minutes, not moving and not saying anything. I finally took out one of my earbuds. "I'm starting to get tired of this. It never goes away. No matter what I do it won't go away."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2017 ⏰

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