II. Unexpected.

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Wait! What did just happened? This day have an unexpected turn of events.

I don't have a schedule today so I decided to have my lunch out but I need to buy some groceries first. I went to the nearest grocery and began to fill in my cart. I then went on the counter to pay for it.

I didnt notice right away that the cashier was talking to me cause I still have my earphone on my right ear. Due to the songs I've been listening to are mostly english songs, i unintentionally talked in english, asking the cashier what she just said.

She then thought I can't understand her.

What happened next shocked me. She then lashes out on me that i have to pay for the damaged goods on my cart. That it was my fault it got crushed by the weight of the milk.

I was so shocked that I'm unable to say something. Then she began spitting out insulting words which made my blood to boil. I was about to say something when a girl appeared out of nowhere, stepped beside me and took hold of my hand. It felt weird that her hands were comfortably warm on my cold one.

Girl: Excuse me? What did you say to my girlfriend?

I was taken aback by how easy for her to say that I was her girlfriend.
I was amazed though on how she handled the whole situation for me. She talked in english but the cashier continued her insults knowing the girl can't understand her. What happened next had me and the cashier shocked. The girl turned out that she can understand the cashier.

I can feel her getting mad cause her hand was a bit shaking. I took hold of her arm trying to stop her but all i could say is just 'Hey'. She looked at me and took a deep breath.

After calming herself, she then asked for a supervisor. Everything was taken care of by the supervisor she even gave us a discount and earn a membership card too.

I took my card out not knowing how to tell her about it. I could only think of one thing, which is to play along with her. I called her 'Hon' and handed her my card which she declined. It felt really weird and I felt shivers when I said that.

She took both bags and nudge her arm towards me to hold on to. I wasn't expecting that.  I can feel my cheeks getting warm as I cling onto her arm as we walked out of the grocery.

After a few blocks from the grocery I stopped walking and looked at her.

I can now see her face more clearly and noticed that she's pretty.  She's a bit shorter than me, she have a faint tan skin, and her eyes were a bit round. I noticed her eyes are deep brown in color.

I realized i was staring, we both are. I cleared my throat and said.

Me: I'm so sorry for the trouble. You shouldn't have been involved.

She looked taken aback as I talked to her in Korean. I then took my grocery from her and bowed as I thanked her. She then smiled which I instantly noticed her dimples.

Oh my, I suddenly felt something in my tummy that I'm sure is not related with food. She looked even prettier when she smiles. Wait! What am i saying.

Girl: No, it's okay. I need to do that. She was way out of line there.

Me: I was so shocked on how she acted, that I was stuck there for a second.

Girl: My mistake too, I thought you were a foreigner.

Me: Technically, I am. I'm Japanese.
But i lived here for 5 years now.

Girl: That explains it then. I'm sorry earlier I need to pretend us to be together so i could butt in. I didn't mean to make it akward specially about the same gender thing.

I do know some who also liked the same gender but I never imagine myself to be one. It's not widely accepted yet here too, so that might be why she said I might find it awkward.

Me: I actually appreciate it.

Realizing what I said could mean differently, I then hurriedly said...

Me: n..not about being us together. I mean th...that you helped me.

Really Mina!? Why do you have to stutter! I could feel myself blushing. Good thing that I have a mask on.

Girl: My pleasure to help you.

There goes that smile again and that weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. Oh my, what's this?

I then took my purse in my bag and about to take some cash but a hand stopped me.

Girl: no need for that.

Me: No please, let me. Those are my items so i need to pay you for that. I've already troubled you enough.

Girl: you're right, but still I won't accept it.

I looked at her with narrow eyes. She's so kind. Then I felt my stomach growl out of hunger. I looked at my watch and suddenly got an idea.

Me: well then, I know how i could repay you. Let's have lunch my treat, And I won't take no for an answer.

Author's note:

Accept it Chaeyoung!!! 😅
Isn't Chaeyoung so cool?
Things will get more interesting...

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