Chapter 25

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"What the hell am I looking at?"

Tony was the first one to speak, always the first one to whenever the room falls silent. The man and the other avengers stood in the living room, crowded around the gray sofa.

"It's a child." Natasha pointed at the little girl.

Aeria sat on the gray sofa with Aurora in her arms, the little girl was peeking at the other adults with her face buried on her mother's neck. Her other hand was clutching Hela's arm so the three of them was sitting so close to each other like sardines in a can.

"Whose child is it?" Steve asked.

"Ours." answered Aeria then immediately rephrased her word when Steve's eyebrows shot up "I meant Hela and I, you old fossil." she hissed.

"Everyone, this is Aurora, our daughter."

They all stared at her with wide eyes, question marks written all over their heads, floating.

"Did you steal a child?" Tony asked.

"No, you a– idiot." Aeria snapped, holding herself back from cursing due to the little girl in her arms.

"Then where did that come from?" Clint asked, pointing a finger at the little girl. His finger was slapped away by Natasha.

Natasha scrunched her nose "I don't remember you getting pregnant or telling us." she stared at the witch "Did you get pregnant?" she asked.

Aeria shook her head "I did not get pregnant."

"Then where did that come from!" Tony repeated Clint's question, a little louder this time, making Aurora shift uncomfortably in Aeria's arms, she pulled Hela closer and switched into her arms.

The goddess wrapped her arms around the girl instinctively, shielding her away from the unknown strangers bothering them.

Aeria and Hela shared a look and the witch couldn't help but frown at the look on her wife's face. She sighed "Aurora is our daughter but she came from another universe, another timeline."

That only wrote more question marks.

Aeria rolled her eyes, groaning. She looked back at Hela "Why don't you and Aurora go to my room? I'll come to you after I explain everything to them."

Hela nodded then smirked and Aeria shot her a stern look, the "don't you dare look" but the goddess shot her bullet anyway "Good luck about that, darling." she teased before carrying Aurora.

The little girl reached out to her mother "Are they going to hurt you, Mommy?" Aurora quietly asked.

Aeria shook her head "No, sweetheart. I promise, they're just very confused right now and mommy is going to explain everything to them so their tiny little brains can follow." she smiled, leaning in to drop a kiss on Aurora's head "Now, go."

Aurora whispered her goodbye and wrapped her arms around Hela's neck, the goddess glanced at her one last time before leaving the room with everyone's eyes following them before they switched back to the witch who now sat alone.

Tony raised an eyebrow "Well? Mommy?"

Aeria's face morphed into disgust "Don't you dare call me that again or you won't live to see tomorrow." she threatened, pointing a finger at him.

"There are a lot of alternate realities out there with different versions or variants of us. Aurora came from an alternate reality where variants of Hela and I successfully conceived her." Aeria hummed, thinking of her next words, it would be better not to tell them about the multiverse theory, some things are better off unsaid "In that reality, Hela and I are killed and Aurora, she has the powers to travel through realities, through universes. That is how she ended up in here. With us."

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