Chapter 19

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Thunder roared above the golden palace, lightning strikes lighting the dark hallways. Storms weren't unfamiliar with Asgard, the realm experiences it whenever one of the gods were angered or when the God of Thunder is sick. As if he was bound to the sky. Or whenever the Goddess of Death was angry, the dark sky siding with her.

The storm tonight was different, though. No god was angry, it was a peaceful night. The palace was quiet, the royal family was at peace.

Well, the most of them were.

Storms never bothered her but this one was different. This one brought unpleasant memories back, this one made her skin crawl with cold and fear. It was unsettling. She sat on the edge of her bed, alone in her chambers, hands on her lap.

The creak of the door made her flinched, she glanced over her shoulder to see the queen entering her chambers with a soft smile. Aeria tried to compose herself, to put a smile on her face no matter how the storm bothered her.

"Mother." she smiled.

"Dear." Frigga placed her hands on Aeria's cheeks, cupping her face "Are you alright? You look pale."

"Just tired, that is all." Aeria shrugged it off.

The queen wasn't convinced with her lie.

The witch's shoulders slumped in defeat.

"Is it the storm?" her mother asked.

She silently nodded. The queen clicked her tongue, pulling Aeria closer to her, pressing kisses all over her face. The brunette whined in her arms, rolling her eyes, squirming away but miserably failed, she ended up trapped in her mother's arms.

"What seems to be the problem with the storm, my sweet?" Frigga gently asked, gently letting go of the girl who didn't rush out of her arms.

Aeria shook her head "It didn't storm when it happened." she said "It was rather cold. Because of the casket. Maybe it's the cold that brings the unpleasant memory back, not the storm." she closed her eyes, her head falling into her mother's shoulder as she remembered.

The screams, the blood, the chaos, her mother.

"You know, Hela didn't like storms either when she was young." Frigga gently said, the brunette looked up to her, eyes shining with curiousity "I could very well remember that our first good conversation started with her saying how much she despised storms." the queen smiled "It also brings back a lot of unpleasant memories for her but those memories are not stories for me to tell."

"Do you like storms?" Aeria asked.

Frigga hummed, thinking. She shook her head "I don't like them either, my darling girl. But they don't terrify me." she answered "I don't like the harsh thunder and the dark sky. I prefer when the daylight is shining above our realm."

The girl nodded, sighing, letting the comfort of her mother's arms sink into her. They stayed silent for minutes, listening to the hard pouring rain, the roars of thunders and the howling of the wind.

"I think it is time for me to leave, my dear."

"Hm?" Aeria hummed confusedly, looking up to her mother who gestured towards the window with a tilt of her head, the girl blinked "Oh."

Frigga smiled "Good night, my sweet." she pressed a kiss on Aeria's forehead, giving her another squeeze before quietly leaving her chambers.

Once she was alone, Aeria glanced over her shoulder to find the princess standing near the window, her arms crossed against her chest.

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