"sure as long as you all sing along with me." he said. they all started singing and harry quietly hummed along. when it got to the line where it says princess park louis and harry looked over at each other. louis smiled and was surprised that harry smiled too.

darcy and will watched as louis sang some parts of it to harry as the song continued. once it finished they were at the center of their town.

"you guys both have a beautiful voice. singing my own songs better then me."  louis complimented before they got out.

they had gone by a few shops and darcy had got a new crop top and will got some new shirts to practice in. once they walked past a gucci harry stopped.

"oh my god dad just keep walking you don't need to go in there." darcy said as she tried to push him past it.

"hey i could use a new suit! and don't act like you guys don't want to see mr. roseberry" harry said smiling as they all walked in.

"hello mr styles. mr tomlinson and miss tomlinson." a couple of the girls greeted them. soon the owner of the shop popped up and smiled at harry.

he ran up to him and hugged him. "bobby!" harry almost yelled as they hugged. louis got a bit jealous watching the way he was with this man.

"hey young ones." bobby said to will and darc. they both said hi to him and had a mini conversation. "now who may this handsome fellow be?"

"bobby this is darcy and will's dad , also known as my ex-louis tomlinson." harry said and bobby gave him a nervous look.

"oh this is the louis." louis gave a confused look. " very nice to meet you mr. tomlinson."

"nice to meet you too." louis smiled. harry and bobby small talked while harry looked at some suits he liked.

"dad can me and will go over to the ice cream shop?" darcy asked.

"sure be careful, louis do you want to go with them?" harry asked looking over at him.

"actually i could use a new suit too." he said as he smiled at harry. the kids walked away as bobby gave louis some options to try.

harry watched as louis took off his trousers and put on the other pants. he then watched as louis slowly took his shirt off.

harry and bobby both gasped. "those are some gnarly scars dude." bobby said looking at them.

"what happened there lou?" harry asked. he was a little nervous about what the answer would be.

"well this is from when i had a liver transplant." he said pointing to a scar on his right side. "and this.." he said pointing at his heart. "is from when i tried to commit. i overdosed on pills and they ended up having to go in and physically massage my heart to get it to pump blood." he then moved his pants down a little so you could see his v-line and the skin right about it. "that's where i used to cut, i'd carve different things in my skin, made me feel a little bit better about all the shit in my life." louis finished. he just smiled a bit before throwing on the rest of the suit.

harry watched with tears streaming out of his eyes as louis got fitted and took the suit off. when louis noticed he was crying he ran up to harry and hugged him.

"hey hey what's wrong love." louis asked as harry sobbed into his chest.

"why do you have all those scars." harry asked looking up at him.

"well after i left and went to america i survived like a week before i broke up with eleanor. sorry i lied about that but after it i went to clubs all the time and was constantly drunk. then one night i accidentally cut my self on some glass and i just kinda kept doing it. i did it at my v-line cause that's where you would always have you hand at when you touch me." harry looked down to see that he did in fact have his hand right where louis said he did.

"anyways a couple weeks later i got tired of it all and tried to commit but eleanor just randomly showed up to pick up some of her stuff and she found me passed out in the bathroom with a note beside me. i don't remember writing the note or anything but i have it back at your house in my suitcase if you wanna read it but yea she took me to the hospital and i had to stay there for a couple of months getting better, after i went to therapy for a year and every once and a while i go just if things get tuff."

harry just hugged him tighter. "i'm sorry lou."

"hey no need for you to be sorry babes, you did nothing wrong, it's all my fault this happened."  louis said as he looked deep in harry's forest green eyes.

they both started leaning closer before they heard the door open and will and darcy walked though the door.

"hey dad we gotta go now so i can get to football, and we gotta pick up dominic." will said looking at the two. they were both still on the floor in each other's grasps.

they quickly got up before paying and leaving.

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